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"Shit shit shit!" You yelled out as you were trying to close the store as fast as you could. Normally you wouldn't just scream out swears when closing but you were late to your nighttime meetups with Akutagawa. In general, you never wanted to be late, but with Akutagawa the thought of being late worried you.

'Aaaaaaah!!! What if he thinks I don't care about him or that I ditched him!!' The things you thought only make you even more worried and were causing you to overthink.

You finally locked every door in the small bakery and started running down the street, making your way to the park. You weren't used to running like this causing you to be gasping for air, your paper bag wasn't making this experience any better. As you ran your eyes were able to see some pretty things such as the bright yellow lights that contrasted the dark cloudy blue sky, the headlights on every car that speeded past you, and the one sight you wished you could stop to admire; the full moon that was trying to peek out from the thick clouds.

At last, your (eye colour) eyes caught sight of the wooden gates to the park you've been rushing to get to. As you run through the gates you passed by the colourful flowers you would usually admire but you couldn't waste any more time. You couldn't have Akutagawa leave before you got there.

Finally, you got to the park bench where you guys usually met up, yet you saw Akutagawa leaving; the back of his long black coat was facing you, and the sound of his black leather dress shoes was all you could hear despite the sound of your gasps for air probably were louder, and the sight of the back of his pretty short choppy hair; you don't recall if you've seen the back of his hair like this before. If the scene had better context you wouldn't have been filled with so much anxiety that was increasing with each step he took on the concrete floor.

'Shit! I made it almost on time. I could call out for him, but would he even want that? He's probably annoyed I did this...' You thought before you abruptly decided to fuck it, and went against all your worries.

"Akutagawa!" You yelled out, you didn't sound like you usually did making you feel embarrassed; Akutagawa has never heard you sound not joyful or loud, he had to hear how you took deep breaths in between every syllable of his name, how scratchy and desperate you sounded.

'Why the fuck did I sound like that, god when I get home I'm gonna cry-' You paused whatever you were thinking to admire the man in front of you who turned his head towards you.

You were happy that you didn't admire the flowers earlier because if you did, you would have missed this beautiful sight. You loved it; the way his pale neck turned as far right as it could to look at you, Akutagawa's stunning silver eyes that were wide in surprise, the tip of his nose and parts of his soft cheek were coated in the light of the full moon that finally peaked out.

"You came," Akutagawa stated, he sounded surprised.

"Yeah..." You breathlessly said, your breath was stolen from how heavenly and perfect Akutagawa looked.

"I'm sorry for being late! My work took longer than expected!" You apologised, bowing. You didn't want to bring your head back up, you didn't want to see if Akutagawa's face was full of disappointment or anger because you were late. You'd take looking at the concrete for hours any day over that.

You quickly took back that once you raised your head back up and had all the air in your lungs stolen from you once more.

'Oh my lord-' You thought once you looked at the handsome man in front of you. You felt your cheeks warming up, your jaw dropping, and your eyes blinded by how enchanting the sight before you was.

He was now turned towards you which allowed you to see his entire face; the left side of his face was reflecting the moon's light that was still peaking out of the dark clouds and the moon wasn't just doing wonders to his face it was also making his dark hair look so shiny and silky. Normally the wind would have caused the two front pieces of his hair to blow straight into his face, covering his porcelain face, but this time it gently blew the two pieces of white-tinted hair towards the right. And on his kissable pale pink lips was a graceful smile.


A/N: hiiii sorry that it's been so long since an update, i've been lacking motivation and hit writer's block. i've also had a lot going on at school; like a kid escaped the school, a girl caught shitting in the school parking lot (had to see that with my own two eyes bro), and a gas leak that caused a bunch of kids to get sick because the school didn't evacuate us. also just i have bitchy teachers in general.

anyways akutagawa in the manga is so fucking fine, if i say all the things i want to say wattpad would ban me so fast. anime akutagawa is also fine but he doesn't have the beauty of manga akutagawa.

two weirdos and their nighttime meetups (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now