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You stared at everything but the blonde lady in front of you. You looked at the red-tiled floor and the delicious sweets that were visible through the glass. You didn't want to look at the lady in front of you, you wished your ears could block out her screeching.

"I want a refund. It's not my fault I dropped my mochi! I deserve to get the three I paid for!" The lady behind the register screamed. Her pale complexion began to turn red when she noticed you weren't responding.

You wished someone else was with you, that you weren't alone right now. But Kong Kong was out sick, Chiyo the other worker had her shift earlier in the day, and business was slow today so no other customers were there. You didn't want to be alone while dealing with this lady.

"Can't you hear me? Are you deaf or an idiot? I said refund me! Refund me now!" Her arms reached over the counter and now her hands were in front of your face snapping to force you to pay attention to her. You finally looked up at her and she smirked knowing that she was successful in getting your attention.

"Miss please leave." You squeaked out, making her aggravated. Her smirk fell and she looked as though she wanted to murder you.

"I'm not leaving until you refund me!" She stated. She wasn't understanding that you don't have plans on refunding her.

"Miss, please leave." You said again, barely above a whisper. She tried to refuse again but you interrupted her with your quiet voice. "If you don't leave, I will call the police to intervene."

She stared directly into your (eye colour) eyes before breaking the unofficial staring contest and stomping her way to the door.

'Finally, I'm alone' You thought as you gave a sign of relief. Then you began to wonder what would you do in that situation if instead of a middle-aged woman whose only weapon was mean words, it was a strong ability user or someone just physically stronger than you. Those thoughts scared you shitless. You were lucky in this situation but will you always be that lucky?


Akutagawa wasn't the most knowledgeable person when it came to emotions. It wasn't because Akutagawa lacked emotions. The hellhound has felt rage, grief, and fear. Akutagawa sometimes struggled to identify the emotions others felt. But when the paper bag-wearing chatterbox sitting beside him wasn't being a chatterbox, he could tell they felt sad. Despite noticing this, he wasn't sure how to comfort them. Suddenly an idea came to mind.

"Wha-" The paperbag head attempted to ask what he was doing as they were being pulled into an unexpected hug by the man beside them. Instead of continuing to question his actions they decided to accept the warm hug and wrapped their arms around the male.

"Thank you, Akutagawa" They whispered, "I really needed this."

Akutagawa didn't say anything back. They weren't back to being themselves, but regardless of that, he felt good knowing that he managed to comfort them. The hug felt nice and was making his heart race.

After a few minutes, the paperbag head asks, "Hey Akutagawa? Can I get something off my chest? It's ok if I can't." They got a nod in response from the guy they were still hugging.

"At my job..there was this lady who got mad at me because she dropped her food. She wanted me to refund her order and got mad when I didn't. I was all alone and it was just.." Their quiet voice broke but they continued what they were saying. "Just so scary dealing with her alone. And it got me thinking like what would happen if it wasn't a lady? If it was someone stronger than me or someone with a weapon. I don't know what I'd do in that situation and I'm scared that it will happen.."

Akutagawa didn't know what to say, so he decided to rub their back with his pale hands. It was how older kids in the slum would comfort the younger kids. After a few minutes, he attempted to end the hug but the paper bag-wearing person only held him tighter, causing his heart to thump more loudly in his chest.

"Akutagawa can we please stay like this?" They asked. Like before they didn't receive a verbal response but instead had Akutagawa's arms wrap around them again, even tighter this time.

"Thank you." They said with a grateful tone while looking up at the handsome man. Despite not having the moon shining on his face, it still looked like it was made of delicate porcelain. His grey eyes weren't as sharp as usual. Instead, they were soft like rain clouds. His cheeks and nose were softly dusted with a rosy pink, which was from the person he was hugging who assumed it was from the cold. And just like the night before, his lips were in a soft smile.

For the rest of the night, they stayed like that. Those who passed by thought they were lovers and brushed off the fact that there was a mafioso hugging someone wearing a paper bag on their head.


A/N: hiii its been a while since i last wrote a chapter. i wanna thank you to everyone whose been voting, commenting, and reading! you guys gave me the motivation to come and work on this!

i also finished reading No Longer Human and that shit was good. also i didnt know BSD CAME OUT WITH SEASON FOUR?!? I FEEL LIKE I WAS LIVING UNDER SOME KIND OF ROCK.

anyways again thank you to all who have supported me and i will try to stay motivated and continue writing this story. (also i will be replying to some comments!!!)

two weirdos and their nighttime meetups (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now