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You were staring at the old clock waiting for your shift to end, it felt like you were back in high school waiting for the class to finally end. You were praying to God that a customer didn't come in right before your shift would end as that would mean you have to serve them before you could leave.

Right after you thought that someone had entered the bakery causing you to internally groan.

'Shit, I jinxed it!' You internally groaned and looked at whoever entered the store. Once you noticed who it was your (eye colour) eyes widened in shock.

The man you were waiting to see and were waiting for your shift to end for was standing right there. Akutagawa was in your bakery again! The only difference from the first time was he here was this time he was alone and you knew him, but he didn't know you as (Name); he knew you as the weirdo who meets up with him every night, the weirdo who wore a paper bag over their head every time he saw them, the weirdo who gossips to him with their extremely loud voice.

"Hello, how can I help you today?" You asked him your voice only slightly above a whisper. You only asked him that after remembering you were still at work and he was a customer right now.

Akutagawa's grey eyes looked at yours before looking down at the display full of treats. His eyes narrowed and scanned the glass as if he was trying to recall what he even came here for. He eventually remembered and looked back at you as you felt yourself becoming nervous.

'Please please please don't tell me he recognised me! I will evaporate if he recognises me as the loser who runs around with a paper bag on her head!' You started praying to god who has already failed you once (with Akutagawa entering your shop and delaying you from leaving your shift).

"You're the one who returned my wallet, no?" He asked ignoring your question from earlier, what he said made you internally sigh out of relief.

'Thank god he didn't recognise me!' You took a moment to think about what he said, 'Oh yeah, I did give him back his wallet.'

"Yes...?" You answered confused about what point he was trying to make.

"Why?" He inquired "You could have taken the wallet for yourself, kept the money in there for yourself. Why return it after my incompetence allowed me to lose it?"

'What the fuck.' You were not only anxious again but also even more confused than before. 'Where is this coming from? Wait no no now I'm thinking about why I didn't take the wallet for myself, he has a point not on the incompetent part, but why did I chase after him to return a wallet?'

"I think it felt like the right thing to do?" You answered hesitantly and honestly, you never wanted to lie to Akutagawa even outside of your paperbag mask.

Your answer appeared to make Akutagawa more confused but he nodded pretending to understand despite him clearly not getting it.

"Um...so did you want to order something or...?" You awkwardly asked as you raised your cool hand to rub the back of your warm neck.

"Yes please, can I get five egg tarts and two pieces of bread?" He replied raising his pale hand to cover his coughing mouth.

'He really could have just ordered the food and skipped the weird interrogation..but what makes him think he's "incompetent"? Does he not realise that he is one of the strongest members of the mafia? If he wasn't strong then wouldn't the mafia have already thrown him away??" You thought as you slid the glass display open, grabbing the items he was going to purchase and putting them into the new small white paper bags that had the bakery's name and logo on them.

He took out the same black wallet he dropped the last time and took out some money to pay for the food. You held the paper bag over the display case so he could get it, then give you the money.

He grabbed the food and put a few bills into your hand, you felt his warm fingertips brush against the palm of your hand in the process. You quietly gasped at the brief touch, you could feel how warm his hands were despite how cold he looked.

Only when he left you realised something, 'I never told him the total price of the food! I didn't even bother to give him the receipt!' You frantically counted the money he gave and realised there was a small sticky note on one of the bills.

"For you" You looked at the number on the bill and noticed it was 10,000. 'Shit I'm not allowed to accept money like this! I'll give it back next time I see him, well see him not in my paperbag.' You decided placing the brown bill into your jean's back pocket as you went to the break room to put away your dark green apron and go back home.

After that stunt with the money and interrogation, you grew more curious about Akutagawa than before, what could have possibly caused this self-doubt? Why did he ask you why you returned his wallet? Why did he give you money like that? Your mind was full of questions that you feared would go unanswered if you did not continue to indulge yourself in Akutagawa's presence. Despite all these uncertain things in your mind, you were certain about one thing and that was the fact you were very excited for your next meetup with Akutagawa.


A/N: i had the worst writer's block ever with this chapter. at first this chapter was going to be about you getting akutagawa's number and then realising you had a crush on him, but i later realised i fucking hated that stupid fast shit. i should probably work on making an actual plot for this story tbh.

FORGOT TO ADD THIS EARLIER BUT BRO HOW DO I ADVERTISE THIS? i like praise so i'm motivated by the votes and views which is why i want to advertise this.
more views, votes, and comments = motivation to write 😎

if you're confused by the CHRONOLOGICAL order of the chapters heres a numbered list (the first one being in the past and the last one being more recent.)

1. Chapter Three
2. Chapter One
3. Chapter Two
4. Chapter Four.

two weirdos and their nighttime meetups (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now