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In the pocket of his long black coat was his vibrating phone, which means either his sister was calling or he finally has a mission after almost a week without one.

Akutagawa quickly pulled out his phone and answered the call which happened to be from Higuchi.

"Akutagawa-Senpai! Tomorrow you have a mission, there is this gang who keeps on killing our members and stealing their hair...?" Higuchi's tone quickly went from excited to puzzled by whatever this gang's intentions were.

Akutagawa was a bit confused as well but he didn't really care. His job only was to terminate them if it were required to find out their intentions then he would do that. Yet he was quite curious about the gang's disgusting act, stealing hair from a dead body isn't something Akutagawa usually deals with.

"What time?" Akutagawa inquired

"I wasn't told an exact time but the gang is most active around 22 (11 pm) to 2 (am)" Higuchi stated.

"Ok." Akutagawa ended the call right after that. His mind suddenly thought about a certain chatterbox who wore a brown paper bag on their head every time they met in the park.

'That mission will happen when we usually meet up...I should inform them the next time we meet up of this.'

Yet for some reason that was unknown to Akutagawa, the thought of having to push back plans (despite said plans not being official) felt impolite. It's not that Akutagawa did not want the mission, it was far from that he's been waiting for a mission for what felt like years, what he wanted was the mission to be at a different time.

Sadly Akutagawa would not be able to reschedule the mission, as a dog of the port mafia his job is to follow the boss's orders and since the boss wants it done tomorrow then Akutagawa will complete it tomorrow. This is the first time the thought of not following the boss's orders intentionally ever crossed his mind. Thinking about this made his eyebrows furrow.


A few hours passed by faster than expected, and now Akutagawa and his paper bag-wearing buddy were back in their spot in the park. This time however felt different, the person sitting beside him despite usually being someone who could not stop talking was not talking. They were just fiddling with their thumbs, Akutagawa assumes they were probably pouting but he would never know if they really were.

"I have something to inform you about" Akutagawa stated, about to take a deep breath in to relax his heart that for unknown reasons felt nervous but he ended up having a series of coughs instead.

Once his coughing fit stopped Paper Bag head finally said something, "I have something to tell you as well. But you go first."

That did not ease Akutagawa's heart it made him even more nervous for something so simple.

"I will be coming later than usual tomorrow. I have a mission to complete that will be taking place during our usual time, so I am unable to reschedule the mission." His sharp grey eyes shifted to the black fabric that covered the holes of the paper bag. At that moment he realised he hated that black fabric for covering their eyes, for hiding how their eyes reacted to this sudden change in plans.

"Akutagawa are you worried?"

He didn't like being told what others thought he was feeling, it makes him aware of what he feeling and it made him feel weak. Being able to be read in such a way means Akutagawa lost his composure.

"Sorry! I shouldn't have said that, no one likes being told if they're nervous or anything. Sorry." They said trailing a bit off at the end before remembering what they were going to say "I was mostly wondering because I felt worried, but I'm not now. I was going to say the same thing as you, I have to cover a coworker's shift and I can't reschedule."

Suddenly Akutagawa's heart wasn't feeling the way it was before, but now his mind was full of questions. Why the hell did he feel so relieved? Was it because of the genuine apology that was so different from the apologies his previous mentor gave him before beating him up? Was it because they both will be late for their meet-ups and now he won't feel bad for pushing back a meet-up just for him? Or perhaps it was because even with that weird paper bag that covered their face, they were so easy to understand because they were willing to communicate?

"Anyways did you hear what happened in Chinatown?"

Despite that odd conversation they had at the start they were back to normal. After this Akutagawa knew he wanted to get that mission tomorrow will be completed faster than usual just so he could come as quickly as he could to this meet-up.


A/N: bro next chapter is gonna be from paper bag head loser's pov! ngl ion got any idea on the plot, i'm writing whatever my thumbs want. (btw i'm going to brag rq, i'm writing this all on my cute lil phone)

i think i should be like honest honest about this, but like please try not to be a silent reader if you enjoy this! i'm interested to see people comment, vote, etc. (ngl i have only four views rn but i think in the future i'll have a few more, i hope to have a bit over 10.)

two weirdos and their nighttime meetups (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now