Part 1

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As penelope started to wake in her crib peeta scooped her up and spun her round into the middle of our bed were he had painted the stars on the ceiling in an array of yellow, orange and white hues against the bluish black background. We lay there all three of us huddled together peacefully until Kai jumped into the middle of our bed making his 10 month old sister giggle.

"Are you exited for tomorrow?" peeta asked Kai since tomorrow in his 4th birthday as he keeps reminding us.

"Yes, I'm hungry" peeta kissed me on the head and passed Penelope over into my lap.

"Let's see what we can find in the fridge shall we" peeta said as he grabbed kai and swung him onto his back. We all giggled and after 15 minutes of relaxation I changed the baby into a pale green vest and changed myself into my hunting gear and boots. Some days I wear this just to feel safe like I'm still myself, a hunter and snare aficionado not just a wife and mother of 2 with an ordinary life.

We head downstairs after I feed Penelope in the armchair in our room to the sweet smell of chocolate. "Mommy come look!" Shouted kai from the kitchen holding a frying pan and spatula. Peeta had made choclate chip pancakes with him and just before I took I bite i felt began to feel violently ill and I ran from my chair proceeding to vomit for a while, I could hear crying and peeta soothing the children whilst I cleaned myself up.

I walked back into the kitchen apologising for leaving so urgently. "You didnt like them did you" kai whispered resting on peetas hip.

"No,that's not it" I said taking him into my arms,"I just feel a bit sick today I'm gunna go upstairs and rest, I bet your pancakes taste great darling."

I started to walk upstairs suddenly everything started to spin I sat on a stair to steady myself then peeta walked past, "Katniss, are you ok ?"

"Just a bit dizzy I'll be fine though dont worry about me peeta really." He came up to were I was sat picked me up and carried me to bed, taking my jacket and boots of when we got there. I wanted to say thank you but a sudden tiredness came over me when he stroke my hair and whispered how much he loved me in my ear.

3 PM flashed on my alarm clock I must have been asleep at least 4-5 hours luckly I didnt have any nightmares I must have been very tired, but what could have brought all of this on. Peeta heard me stirring around the room hanging up clothes and washing my hair and knitting. I know it sounds ridiculous, never in my life would I have seen myself knitting but since my mother moved closer to district 12 she has been visiting every month to see her grandchildren and peeta and I.

She taught me to knit around 9 months ago just a month after Penelope was born, so I could make clothes for her and eventually I got the hang of it. After around an hour and a half of me moving around the room Peeta came upstairs holding a tray with 3 cheese rolls, tea and some sort of soup, "hey did you sleep well," he said putting the tray down and kissing me "I brought you some food you must be starving after missing 2 meals and vomiting yesterday's into the toilet."

He said with a slight laugh. "If your still hungry just shout me I'll be up in a mater of seconds, love you." He kissed my head then left I ate half of the soup and 2 rolls, tea has never been my favourite drink and anyway it reminds me to much of effie.

I haven't seen effie in at least 2 years shes been so distant since her new job as head of fashion at one of the major companies in the capitol, she hasn't had time to visit in a long time.

After eating I started to read the family book looking at all of he illustrations and survival skills peeta and I put in many years ago, almost 10. I remember because when we did it I was stuck in bed because of a bad leg and my bruised tail bone, my tail bone still gives me problems today but there not as bad as the pain I felt in them days.

"Mommy," said kai opening the door,"what's that?"

"Mine and daddy's family book, I guess it's your to now." He jumped on my lap joining me to see what was inside of the book."Its filled with daddy's drawings and my writing, even granny wrote in it about the medicine she makes, lots of other people from a long time ago wrote in this book to."

Kai sat patiently looking mesmerized at the book. To me it's just a book to remind me of my father and me and peeta but to him it seems to be much more."can I write in it?"

"No, not until your older and anyway what is a tickle monster gunna write about" I said tickling him he tickled back and we laughed together until peeta came in saying that the baby was asleep and we needed to be quiet.

"You need to go to sleep to little katniss" said Haymitch in the door way he has always called Kai little katniss even though hes a boy, just because of his grey eyes and longish dark hair he calls Penelope baby Pete because of her almost bleach blond hair and sea coloured eyes.

I kiss kai on the head and then he was off walking down the hall with Haymitch putting him to bed. He must have been helping out today since I was in bed sleeping. Peeta shut the door behind him as he followed them out of the room but he went downstairs to cook his dinner I guess. I decide I'm going to join him downstairs after around 10 minutes of the door being shut so i hop out of my comfy chair and start to walk downstairs.

"Hello sweetheart !" Said Haymitch with a little to much joy in his voice.

"What made you so happy, is it that I'm ill or the fact you just got a new bottle of whiskey delivered,"

"Ha ha, and anyway if I did have a new bottle of whiskey do you think I would be this sober, no, anyway I actually just got of the phone with effie" I sat straight up and peeta looked up from whatever he was cooking, "this winter shes coming to stay for 2 weeks to see us all," I shoot peeta a look and he does to, we both know effie and Haymitch were a little more than friends but anyway he continued "but shes bringing 3 other people."

Straight away all I could think about was posh prissy's from the capitol making me wear puffy dresses and commenting on my eyebrows but then he said "Johanna Mason, annie odair and her son Flyn" When peeta and I met flyn, he was around Kais age he had just turned 4 and that was 7 years ago. So when we see him we are bound to get a shock.

After arranging where people will stay - annie and flyn here and Johanna and effie and Haymitchs house- Haymitch leaves.

Peeta ate with his arm around my neck then when he finished we watched a movie with a blanket covering us whilst we snuggled. When it ended he carried my semi-conscious body upstairs like a baby.

He wrapped me into the covers and got himself changed I slipped into my nightgown under the sheets. We cuddled each other, he stroked my hair and face trying to help me go to sleep and we bother fell asleep with our arms wrapped around each other happily. Until the nightmares hit.

Dont worry guys part 2 will be here within a few week since I have school work and other stuff I need to do but anyway thanks for reading part one

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