Part 4

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Summer is finally here Penelope has learned to speak in simple sentences and Kai is about to start reception in school. Peeta has been in the bakery alot more and business is great but that just leaves me.

Every so often I knit in the living room, Greasy Saes granddaughter even comes over sometimes with her newborn baby boy and knits with me, sometimes I feel so old when I knit but it's the only skill my mother has ever taught me so I try to keep it close to me. Sae hasn't been well recently but this happens every spring.

Shes old and tired, its difficult for her to get around but I'm sure she will get better. I go around with my fresh game and peetas bread  sometimes and help her cook, just as she did for me when I came back to twelve. She was also added to the list of people I will never repay.

After Saes grandaughter, Mary left peeta came home, he kissed me and picked up Penelope who was pretending to be Mary with her baby doll I think. You would be surprised to learn how much children catch on to things. We walked over to kais friends house to pick him up from a play date.

After a quick conversation we left and headed over to Haymitchs house to see if he needed anything from the shop since kai and I were going anyways. Some days peeta and I like to have a little one on one time with each kid I'm going shopping with kai and peeta will probably dress up or something and then put kai to bed since he hasn't seen him since this morning.

Haymitch did need food and he also needed a shower, he stunk I sent kai out and told him to wait on the porch. Or play with the geese. I shouted at Haymitch "what have you done to yourself, you know how much it hurts me and peeta to see you in such a state" he sat in his chair not fighting any of my words.

When I finished he said "I'm sorry I'll sort myself out sweetheart, I promise." I tried to hear a mocking tone but I couldn't. For the first time ever Haymitch said sorry to me for my own benefit. Even though he smelled and was dirty I kissed his cheek and gave him a slight pat on the shoulder.

"Come over when your sober." I say and then we all leave.

Kai picked out different fruit and vegetables at the market then we went into the shop and I let him pick out a chocolate bar. We left and he smiled eating the chocolate until he started to hit my leg and as soon as I looked at him he was holding his throat.

My child was having some sort of allergic reaction I shouted for help and someone who worked in the pharmacy led me there, I picked him up and put him on the counter when we arrived. The terror in his face was unforgettable his eyes filled with tears but he was unable to make a noise, I held him whilst the pharmacist stabbed him with an epi pen in the leg when the swelling in his throat went away he screamed and clutched onto my chest.

The pharmacist was nice enough to do all of the test whilst I had him in my arms. He felt safe enough to turn his head and open his mouth, eventually he sat on the counter alone with the pharmacist ruby, she had a capitol name so I knew she was highly trained.

I called peeta and told him what happened when he heared he said he would be here in a few minutes. When Penelope and him arrived we were free to go I held kai when we walked home, he fell asleep in my arms I had to wake him though so he could eat dinner, when he he finished peeta took him to his room and read him the story of the little duck to make him fall asleep.

"Kai ok?" Asked Penelope with concern in her voice "yeh sweetie kais ok he just got a boo-boo" peeta reassured her. Penelope climbed into her toddler bed that has been in our room for a week. She told us that she is moving out of her tiny little room that is in ours. For the last 8 months Penelope has lived in our walk in closet, it was big enough for a crib, a rocking chair and a book shelf at the back. She told us she was moving by moving all of her toys and pulling the chair surprisingly into the room next door and said "my house" this happened when Haymitch was taking care of them for for an hour.

So peeta painted to walls like a pink sunset in the meadow and we decided that tomorrow was the day our baby moved out of our bedroom. We all slept peacefully, peeta woke up one to go to the bathroom but nothing else happened in the night.

Penelope climbed into our bed in the morning as she usually does when peeta isnt busy at work. She made her way under the cover inbetween us and rubbed her head into peetas chest and smoothed out his hair whilst he slept. I stroked her back and kissed her cheek to let her know that I was awake. She turned her head, smiled and turned back to peeta snuggling back into his chest. When peeta woke up he kissed her cheek and held her in his muscular arms.

I knew she was comfortable because that's what I feel when he holds me. I crept out of bed and went into the kitchen where kai was lay on his side on the floor reading a book called 'Plants and where to find them'. I walked over "hey bud you okay"

he looked at me and said "yeh I just want a hug"

"Aw Kai you should have come to my room and given me a hug there. There was no need for you to go into the study to get a book and wait for me" he jumped into my arms and we made cheese on toast with sausages.

My mother is in town for a meeting, something about diseases and vaccines. But whilst she is here she said that she would come and take a look at kai to see what he is allergic to. Kai and I ate and got dressed into jeans and t-shirts. Penelope and Peeta came down a little later already dressed but very hungry.

I reheated their food and let my mother in when she knocked "grandma" shouted Kai. I gave her a hug and she decided to get to work. I gave her the chocolate bar he had eaten a few days before and she read the ingredient list. She took his arm and put drops of different oils and things on his arm we left it on for 10 minutes and after that it was clear. He was allergic to nuts. "Just like your grandfather" she whispered under her breath, louder than I think she wanted to.

"Where is he?" Kai asked. My mother looked back at me and I sat down. I rapped one arm around her and the and placed my other hand in Kais "he died a long time ago kai" kais face turned sad.

"Like mayor undersee" he asked. "Yeh just like the mayor hes in heaven now with prim." As I said it I realized that kai didn't know who prim was. My mother started to cry silently, kai stood up and sat next to her. "Dont cry" he said wiping her tears "heaven is a good place" he said.

After the mayor died we had to explain where he went so Haymitch explained the concept of heaven to him on the day of his funeral. Thankfully the subject had changed because I didnt want him to ask about prim. We wiped his arms off and went for a walk. Peeta took Penelope to the bakery.

When we left the house we saw the surprising scene of Haymitch feeding the geese and tending to his small patch of crops. He waved and kai waved back "wonderful day isnt it" I said "be quiet sweetheart I know where you live" kai giggled oblivious to what he really ment. We were well into the forest when he asked "Who is prim? Is she the girl in your picture."

I looked at mother in a sort of way to tell her to be strong for him, for me and for her. "What picture darling?" I asked. "The one in the draw that daddy was looking at yesterday." I had known peeta was looking for some inspiration for painting yesterday but I didnt know that he found my pictures in the draw. "What did she look like?" Said my mother almost shaking. "She had 2 braids and a blue skirt and blue eyes an-"

I cut him off "yes that was her" I cut him off because that was our photo that was taken on the day of the reaping and I didnt want to relive that day.

"Why did she die?" I didnt know what to say there was a long pause when my mother said "she was in an accident and we couldn't make her better, that's all you need to know darling" kai ran along the path picking up leaves and sticks as he went.

"Well done " I said into my mothers ear, she gripped my hand and said "dont worry that should keep the questions away for a little while" we walked to a bench, peeta had built it in the meadow for me and him, and we sat down for a while.

When we went back my mother spent a few hours with us then she had to go, before she left though she told me how worried she had been about me since Christmas and finally I felt like I had my mother back.

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