Part 3

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We all stood at the train station waving and saying goodbye to our loved ones. Annie and flyn got on the first train and effie and Johanna got on the second. For a second I felt a little emotional we had been one big family for the past 3 weeks and now the house just feels empty.

When we got back to the house I could still feel the squeeze annie had given me, kai was upset because flyn was gone and for the past few weeks they had been joined at the hip, they played together, ate together they even pretended they were brothers it was one of the sweetest things I had ever seen.

2 hours went by and we were all in the living room watching a movie. Peeta sat in a chair, reading the book that Penelope was given for christmas, to her. She fell asleep in his arms with her tiny hand wrapped around his when the phone rang, since peeta was occupied I picked it up

"Hello" i said

"hello darling" it was my mother. We talked for an hour on the phone when she said she needed to go because a high risk patient just came in, I asked only one question after that "mother when can you come and stay" she only replied with soon and hung up.

After 3 movies we decided that it was bed time so kai and Penelope could go to bed. I took Penelope upstairs she crawled in front of me until the stairs when I picked her up, i dressed her in the small nightgown effie had bought her and placed her in the crib.

"Mama" she said as I left "its bedtime darling I'll see you in the morning"

I kissed her head and she kissed mine. I dont know how or why she has started to kissed my head but I'm not complaining I think its adorable, but I do think that she had been watching her father to much. I sat in the rocking chair next to the crib and sang to her as I did with kai, her big blue eyes stared at me through the bars of her crib whist she drifted off. Even when she fell asleep I sang the last verse:

Here it's safe, here its warm,
Here the Daisy's guard you from every harm,
Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true,
Here is the place where I love you.

I walk out of the room and slowly closed the door making sure not wake her. "Hello darling" said peeta from the kitchen

"hello honey" I said back mocking him.

"Oy I'm over here trying to make a nice meal and your mocking me for trying to be romantic"

I sat still watching him cook it still makes me wonder how he does it so well. We sat and ate the delicious meal he had been cooking when he slid a box to me.

The tag said "to my darling daughter with all our love mother and father" i must have made a sort of noise or covered my mouth because peeta came around the table and sat with me i rested my head on his shoulder before sliding the ribbon of of the box and carefully opening it. Inside was mine and prims remaining baby clothes, a watch that my father kept with him every day and my my mothers wedding ring. She hasn't been wearing it for years but the sight of it makes me sob.

Peeta led me to the big arm chair and held me as I cried, that night I slept with one of prims old headbands secured in my hands, peeta said nothing he only held me through the night even when I awoke from small nightmares he kept me tight in his arms. I had never felt this safe in my entire life.

I woke up the next morning at 11am I walk downstairs and could hear an eminence amount of laughing from the kitchen. Before fully walking in I managed to stay in the door way for a minute or 2 without them noticing me . Peeta was covered in flour and so were the children and the floor beneath them.

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