part 2

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I was stuck in the area surrounding by a forcefeild so I couldn't reach them, outside of the small area where I was trapped were Haymitch, Effie, Johanna, annie, kai, my mother, Penelope, peeta and someone else. She had wings. Prim.

They were all being tortured around me and I couldn't close my eyes, my ears were ringing with screams. Eventually I woke up screaming loudly, peeta clutched me me with his big strong arms and told me it was just a dream. I repeated that in my head a few times, it's just a dream it's not real, it's just a dream Katniss, I told myself. then fell asleep but not for long because around 10 mins after my dream Haymitch rang asking if we needed any help with the kids or if he needed any help with ... With me.

I cried for a while wondering if I was really that difficult, do I need to be babysat or am I just a crazy girl from district 12.


Peeta and I were sat on the couch in living room making a list of thinks we need for annie and flyn when the come to stay in a week. "A toy for Flynn to keep him entertained and a christmas gift, a gift for annie, a necklace or something. Christmas foods since they will be here until the day after boxing day and some toiletries " peeta listed.

Kai came running down the stairs as soon as he heard christmas involved. Christmas is in 3 weeks and this is Penelopes first Christmas her birthday is the day before new years so we have alot crammed in this winter. we hear from the kitchen "is anyone home?" We rush in and i hug annie and asking her why shes here a week early "the snow was getting bad in 4 so we left early so we could still get here that is ok isnt it." Annie sounded worried.

"No it's not a problem we just haven't got anything ready I'll go upstairs and get the beds ready I'll let you 2 catch up" peeta said this as if we needed privacy but still we did catch up and kai and flyn started to play with Penelope and her dolls.

I found out about how flyn had been fishing by hand and making his own nets. When they went upstairs to see what peeta was doing annie told me, "hes been so good helping take care of me and I wanted to get him a boat for Christmas just a small wooden one but I was wondering if peeta would paint it to make it extra special."

Of course he would I thought, I gave her a nod and said "he would love to I'm just gunna nip to get some groceries is there anything you want in particular? " annie shook her head and I said "no problem I'll be back in around an hour feel free to look around and make yourself at home"

I put on my hat, boots, scarf and leather jacket and also grab a shopping bag. I head out into the frosted morning, when I see Haymitch with effie "it's a big, big, big day" I say behind effie "OH darling you look so grown up" said effie squeezing the last breath out of me .

"come over later I think peetas making a chicken dinner your free to join us" Effie kissed Haymitch on the cheek then signaled for him to go inside "Darling I need some help Haymitchs spare room wasnt ready for me a-"

"I know I was going to help him with it today but in the mean time you can help me I need to pick out some gifts for Christmas" effie agreed and we went shopping when we got home effie took Penelope and kais toys to Haymitchs to hide them and I went in to my house with about 6 bags full of food, decorations and presents for everyone staying this Christmas.

"Mommy" shouted Kai "were have you been" he said with a slight tone in his voice and his small hands on his hips.

"Nowhere for you nosy" I picked him up and placed him on the sofa with flyn "could you play with kai for 5 minutes"

"yes dont worry auntie Katniss" auntie Katniss, my heart sank I never thought those words would come out of anyones mouth, not after prims death. I said thank you then turned around trying not to shed a tear.

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