Chapter 2

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20 minutes after Nico had text, Sebastian emerged at the hotel lobby. There was no sign of Nico. This made Seb a bit annoyed as he had rushed to get ready in time after his extended shower. He'd decided that it was too late to make up excuses for not going and instead opting for the "show face" approach. Hopefully he could sneak away early or something.
5 minutes later, Nico appeared from the elevator on Seb's left, swooning in wearing a dark grey suit, a white shirt that was barely buttoned and the same devilish look that had took Sebastian by surprise earlier on.

"Hope you haven't been waiting too long on me, I have a habit of being late. My mum tells me I get it from my father, nothing to do with her." Nico said flippantly, finishing off with a bright smile and a wink. That wink again.

As Seb followed Nico towards the function, it sounded as if it was already in full swing. He hated things like this, he and Kimi used to chill in each others hotel rooms instead of making appearances at things like these. He wished Kimi was here now, although Seb doubted he could look him in the eye at this moment.
Sebastian continued on with Nico thinking about how underdressed he felt compared to him. He'd threw on a pair of jeans and a plain t-shirt, very different to the formal attire donned by Nico.

Once they got there drinks, both deciding to start the night off lightly with a beer, they found a small table and took seats opposite each other.
Sebastian looked around the room. He could see some of his fellow drivers, but it was mostly people there because they wanted to be seen and they could afford to be there. As he watched them socialise for a couple of minutes he became aware of Nico surveying him. He could feel his eyes boring into him like he was silently trying to pull all his deepest darkest secrets from his soul. It un-nerved Seb slightly. He finally picked up the courage to make eye contact with Nico.

"Looking for anyone in particular?" Nico said, lifting his drink up to his mouth, still never breaking eye contact with Seb.

"No, just trying to figure out if I know any of the people in the room." Seb replied in a joking tone, trying to keep the eye contact with Nico, as not to look weak and intimidated.

Nico lowered his drink, twirled the bottle around in his fingers for a while, contemplating his words carefully, and then spoke.

"Thought you were maybe looking for Kimi. I know you are friendly with him". Nico had put a bit too much emphasis on the word "friendly" for Seb's liking, but he decided to put it to the back of his mind.

" I know as much as you do about Kimi's whereabouts. He could be in this country still, or he could be on his way home by now, who knows." Seb finished his statement with a shrug of his shoulders and tried to keep his tone even and carefree, desperetly trying not to seem bothered by the lack of contact he'd had over the last day with his friend.

Nico tilted his head and nodded lowly, like he was being sympathetic to someone who'd just had bad news. Seb wasn't fooling anyone, especially not Nico.

Seb was thankfully able to change the subject very quickly. He wanted to push the thought of Kimi to the back of his head for a while especially since he was still in slight shock with his actions in the shower earlier that evening. And anyway, there was a lot to talk about with today's race and the incidents, tactics and strategies played. Not to mention all the rumours going around about where drivers and other members of teams would be ending up next season.

Seb was surprised at how easily he could talk to Nico. He was actually having a good time and enjoying the company.
Nico had lessened the intense stare that he had been surveying Seb with which made him relax. He began to notice the finer details of Nico's body language, the way he leaned back openly and relaxed in his chair and listened intently to Seb through almost hooded eyes. The way he place one hand on his lap and the other on the table, rhythmically tapping them every so often to the beat of the music. He had a certain style and grace about him. It demanded your attention.
They flowed between English and there native tongue, discovering that they had the same taste in a lot of things from food, to music and, they found as they made there way through the hotel bar list, drinks.

After more than a few drinks, Nico was carefree enough to speak his mind.
"Sebastian" he almost purred, sitting forward in his chair and changing his stare back to the intense one from earlier. "Do you think we are going to get served anymore alcohol, or should we quit whilst we are ahead and return to my room and abuse the mini bar?"
Seb was tempted by the thought of drinking more, it was blurring the constant thoughts and confusion surrounding Kimi that kept popping into his head.
He was, however, more tempted by Nico's foot that was rubbing up the inside of his thigh whilst he considered the half -German half- Finn's question.

They once again locked eyes, this time it wasn't intimidation in Nico's eyes, it was something more intense.

Nico moved his foot ever further up the inside of Seb's groin, stopping agonisingly close to the top, pausing and slowly making a return journey. All the time, eyes locked onto Seb's, with a fire raging in them that could only spell danger and disaster.

Seb eventually gained the power of speech. "I think we should quit whilst we are ahead, we aren't going to get any more drink from him" he said to Nico, keeping eye contact and absentmindedly throwing his thumb over his shoulder in the direction of the barman.

They stared at each other for a split second before Nico jumped up. "Well I have an early plane to catch tomorrow, thanks for the drink. Goodnight" And before Seb could figure out what had happened, Nico was swaying out of the function, smiling and nodding to everyone as he went.

Seb couldn't process what had just happened. Had he really just been propositioned by Nico then left high and dry? As he sat froze to the spot, contemplating the best way to get back to his room with his second erection of the night, he felt he familiar buzz of his phone against his leg. It was Nico.

The text simply said, "Room 266"

Then it clicked. They didn't want to raise suspicions by leaving together, people in F1 liked to talk, even if they were wrong or right in what they were speculating.
" Well played Nico Rosberg" Seb thought to himself.

Once he'd giving himself time to gain composure, Sebastian stood up and headed towards the lobby. He wondered if anyone would be suspicious of him leaving so soon after Nico, but as he past the groups of people chatting, he realised they weren't interested in much more than themselves.
He approached the lift and pressed the button. And then the familiar thought and confusion filled his mind. He'd done well to block it out with alcohol thus far but with recent events filling his mind, sobering him, he felt back at square one.
The lift arrived and he stepped in an pressed the button for floor 2.
He leaned back against the mirrored walls of the exuberant lift and rested his head back with his eyes closed.
What was he getting himself into? Yeah he'd had one-night stands before with other drivers that he was about as friendly with as Nico, but sleeping with Nico seemed to be the problem. He had discovered over the night they had spent chatting that he was attracted to Nico, he found him interesting, intense and exciting. He really thought he could have a good time with him. But no, Nico wasn't really the problem. Kimi was.

Seb placed his hands over his eyes and rubbed them roughly, allowing a groan like a wounded tiger escape his lips at the same time. Why did he feel like he was about to be unfaithful to Kimi? Kimi was his friend, nothing more, Kimi couldn't give two shits about who Sebastian fucked.
With this conclusion placed firmly in his consciousness, he left the lift at the 2nd floor without hesitation.

Turning the corner to his right, he was met with the door of Nico's room. The more than familiar feeling rose in his stomach and the image of Kimi's icy blue/grey eyes and soft lips appeared once again in his head.
He hesitated slightly, then whilst shaking his head to wash away the image, knocked firmly and confidently on Nico Rosberg's hotel room door.

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