Chapter 8

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Sebastian stood eyeing up the green mush Heikki had prepared for him. He pouted like a child who had been told to eat his greens or he wasn't getting dessert, not forgetting the puppy dog eyes.

"Fruit and spinach. Is just. Not natural...", He pleaded to the Finn standing in front of him, his arm outstretched with the glass in his hand. It was all part of this new regime Heikki had devised for him, unfortunately it meant Seb substituting breakfast for some hideous concoction that Heikki had taken almost an hour to make.

"You won't even taste the spinach Sebastian, it's just for added iron." Heikki spat at him, trying his best to convince the younger man that he wasn't trying to poison him.

Sebastian hesitantly stretched out his hand, took the glass from Heikki and brought it to his nose, sniffing at it suspiciously. Sebastian was surprised actually by how appetising it smelt, well considering how aesthetically unpleasing it looked anyway. He would never admit that to Heikki though.

He could feel the pressure from Heikki, a sort of taunt in his eyes, as if he was daring Sebastian to drink it, making it a competition. Sebastian after all, didn't like to lose...

With one final look of loathing towards Heikki, Sebastian gave a muttered "Prost!" whist raising his glass in the air, and drinking the whole thing in one go.

The thick liquid took an eternity to travel down Sebastian's throat, causing him to gag.

The German could see Heikki out the corner of his eyes smirking at him, his arms crossed in his usual closed manner, nodding his head slowly and with satisfaction.

As Sebastian finished, he noted the aftertaste, which was revolting. So much for not tasting the spinach...

Still, it tasted better than humble pie.


If Sebastian thought the smoothie was bad, he'd obviously missed the memo about the added cardio and weight training that Heikki decided to add to his previous work out.

Sebastian knew what this was about. He was being made to suffer. He had been reckless in Abu Dhabi, drinking far too much and Heikki felt he needed taught a lesson. Heikki probably didn't agree with the whole Nico Rosberg incident also, Sebastian was pretty sure he'd figured that one out.

Sebastian agreed partly with Heikki's disgust. He was used to being disciplined, clinical almost in his routines, the way he conducted himself and the general health and wellbeing he kept. He knew a bit of rough from Heikki would soon cut him back into shape.

However, the torture carried on, and on, and on.


After an exhausting bike ride and treadmill session, Heikki was now going to subject Sebastian to a weights session.

It was becoming a battle of wills between the two men, even more than usual. Sebastian was furious, hating the power Heikki exuded over him in these situations but being too proud to not take the challenge up, that would mean Heikki would have gotten the better of him.

Sebastian had suggested to Heikki that he would be better in the weights session if he had rested his muscles for a while and had refuelled. To Seb's surprise, he'd agreed.

Relishing the rest and the break from the torture and not to mention the overbearing smirk on Heikki's face, Sebastian checked his phone. He opened his messages, knowing he had none, but checking, just in case.

in case he'd missed one off Kimi...

He'd got home late last night, the six hour flight going just as fast as the four hour wait he'd had with Kimi.

It wasn't until about an hour into the flight that Sebastian had eventually picked up the courage to go and sit next to him. The initial awkwardness that had hit him at the airport when seeing Kimi of all people sitting in the departure lounge had definitely disappeared by then. They had spoken more about the race, Sebastian practically giving Kimi a corner-by-corner re-enactment.

Kimi seemed to be happy to listen to him as usual. Sebastian knew himself he was a chatty person, he listed it as one of his great qualities. He felt comfortable talking to Kimi as he never felt like he was boring him or speaking out of turn. Kimi was happy to listen. They complemented each other like that.

Sebastian had enjoyed his time with Kimi, he was begging to embrace his feelings towards him now, rather than be terrified by them. He couldn't control how he felt, heck, he didn't think he wanted too either. He still didn't feel confident enough to peruse them obviously, but admitting to himself that he was well and truly hooked on Kimi, well it was a start.

As he had sat with Kimi, tiredness over coming both of them, he realised in a sleepy daze that he'd probably felt like this about him for a while, just the feelings were either misconstrued as something else or they just needed to be discovered, understood.

Yes, he was definitely beginning to understand.

Sebastian smiled fondly at the memory of Kimi sleeping with his head resting on his shoulder on the plane, the Finns chest rising and falling rhythmically, the small, beautiful noises he made in his sleep and the tiny movements from his body. He remembered fondly the heat and comfort that radiated from the Finn, the completion that he felt, like he'd hadn't really been sleeping right all his life. But at that moment Seb had found sleep, he'd found the solution...

His glorious moment of reminiscent bliss was soon destroyed by Heikki bursting through the door.

"Times up. Gym. NOW!" he said, throwing his thumb over his shoulder, for if Sebastian was in any doubt where the gym was in his own home.

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