Chapter 9

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It was bliss. They were alone, just the two of them. There bodies rising and falling together, Sebastian's breath lightly brushing Kimi's nose as he inhaled his intoxicating scent.

This was heaven...

"If that constant beeping noise would stop."

Kimi brought his hand up to lightly place it on Sebastian's cheek. He softly caressed down to the area between his chin and neck, relishing the smooth clean shaven feeling rather than the usual two day stubble that Seb liked too sport.

"Then again, the beeping..."

Kimi brought himself closer to Seb's face, now practically nose to nose. As he placed his lips to the young Germans, his eyes opened, full of blissful doziness and contentment. They both understood, this was what they had been missing all there life.

"And then, the beeping again. And again. And again."

All of a sudden, Kimi felt like he was falling, he was losing grip of Sebastian. He was slipping out his fingers, gone into the abyss of the bright light ahead.

Kimi opened his eyes, blinking into the brightness that had just so cruelly taken his Sebastian.

Then he understood. It had all been a dream. He had imagined it all whilst under is anaesthetic. But it felt so real, so intimate.

Kimi tried to sit up, but the nurse who was speaking to Kimi in sentences he wasn't yet ready to put together and understand, slowly but firmly pushed him back down by his shoulder.

He heard the beeping of the monitors, an outside reminder of the dream he was so sweetly having within. He raised his arm to remove the oxygen mask that felt like it was suffocating him, feeling the snag of the tubes in his wrist as he did.

He felt constrained, frustrated that he couldn't do things, that he needed permission to sit up, to raise his arm for goodness sake.

If he isn't ready to do these things then why did they bother waking him from his glorious dream anyway?

Kimi could still see the nurse in front of him. She was talking to him, trying to make him understand. Kimi wasn't in the mood to try, he was dozy, frustrated and extremely pissed off at his rude awakening.

After a time, the nurse gave up and instead made herself busy doing something else, keeping one eye on him Kimi noted.

Then the noise of the machine drew quieter, the beeping fading into the background once again. Kimi hoped with all his mite that he could continue his dream, pick up where he left off.

This never happened and Kimi instead fell into a deep slumber in which nothing penetrated his mind or dreams. Not even Sebastian Vettel.


Kimi had been in hospital for a couple of days. He had had far too may visitors, (seriously, like having an operation was going to make him enjoy social interaction more than he already did not) and loads of messages from well wishers.

Apart from one...

Kimi hadn't heard from Sebastian since Thursday morning, just before the operation. Sebastian had text him, simply saying "good luck".

That was it. No humour that Sebastian would usually add, no personal message to his friend. It was all very generic.

Kimi had replied and everything, you were very privileged if you got a reply off Kimi...

The fact was that Kimi had barely heard from the German since there flight home together from Abu Dhabi. Had he said something to offend him? He had fallen asleep on his shoulder, had he said something to him in a sleepy daze?

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