Chapter 5

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Sebastian awoke to the harsh hammering of his hotel room door. He lifted his head, acknowledging how much heavier if felt than usual. The barbaric noise continued and then a voice he recognised followed.

"Sebastian, open up now!" came Heikki's less than pleased voice from the other side.

Sebastian sat up, grimacing at the throbbing from his head as he did so. With great effort he threw his feet onto the plush carpet and very unsteadily made his way to the door. After hitting almost every wall on the way, he peeped through he hole to see not only Heikki but Britta too. All of a sudden, this felt like a an interrogation.

When Sebastian opened the door, neither of his two visitors waited for an invite to enter.

"Why are you not ready, we are meant to be leaving now!" Britta stated to him in an angry mother like manner, not looking for an answer. She began pulling out holdalls and throwing clothes into one and other possessions into another.
Heikki however stood still, arms folded with a suspicious look surveying Sebastian.

"Enjoy yourself last night?" He said, raising his eyebrows at the sight of the dishevelled four times world champion in front of him.

Sebastian faced Heikki and mirrored his actions by folding his arms over his chest. He noted the disapproval in Heikki's eyes, the "I'm going to make you pay in the gym for not behaving last night and drinking far too much alcohol" look, not that it really bothered Sebastian right now, he was far too hung-over.

"We phoned you an hour ago for breakfast, we were worried when we didn't get an answer, why didn't you answer?" Britta half shouted at him, tilting her head to the side as if to interrogate him further.

"Im sorry, I had a rough night, it must have been on silent, still in my pocket..." Sebastian threw his hand in the general direction of his jeans, trying to string sentences together but his head felt so bad, so dehydrated that he was struggling.
He sat on the end of the bed and hung his head down, cradling it with his hands because of the added weight and closed his eyes, willing the room to top spinning.

"Well... luckily we bumped into Nico and he said that use had been at it all night, so we guessed you'd be in here sleeping it off." Britta said mumbling to herself as she still carried on packing all of Sebastian's things quickly and efficiently as usual.

Sebastian slowly turned his bowed head to Britta, curious of how much Nico had disclosed, trying to ignore the stab of sickness in his stomach.

"What exactly did Nico tell you?" Sebastian had to ask. He tried to sound interested, masking the dread in his voice. He needed to know what they knew.

Britta stopped what she was doing, sighed and put her hands on her hips. "He told us that you and him had been drinking all night and when you left you were a little worse for wear. Now, Sebastian, get in that shower. NOW!" And with that, she was ushering the young German into the bathroom. Sebastian had a second to register the realisation on Heikki's face before the door snapped closed behind him.


45 minutes later, much to the disgust of Britta, Sebastian was ready to head to the airport.

Seb who was sat in the back of the car, rested his head on the window using his jumper as a makeshift pillow.
The journey to the airport went by without much incident apart from Britta franticly trying to reschedule flights as they had missed the check in for the initial one, and Heikki still throwing knowing looks at Sebastian, grinning and raising one eyebrow in a "I know what you got up to with Nico Rosberg last night" way. He was practically taunting him.

On arrival at the airport, Sebastian felt a bit more refreshed. He'd had tablets to help the pain and Heikki has insisted he drank bottle after bottle of water and eat his weight in fruit.

Once they settled in the hotel 1st class lounge, they had a 4 hour wait. Sebastian got out his dead phone and charger. Once the phone switched itself back on, Sebastian scrolled through the missed calls. 4 from Heikki and 9 from Britta. He also read the texts he'd ignore the night before.
Between the ones asking where he was from his colleagues, there was one from Nico, thanking him for at least leaving him a note last night before he left and hopes of a reunion in Austin, and one from Kimi.

Sebastian's stomach lurched at seeing the word "Kimi" in his in box, different from the horrible nasty feeling of regret and guilt he usually got, a sort of excitement and happiness, more like butterflies.
He opened it and read the simple line over and over again. Probably over analyzing every word, bring a deeper meaning to something that was so simple.

The text simply said "Thank you".

Sebastian drifted off into Kimiland, he'd done well to get through this much of the day before actually thinking about him for periods at a time. He was happy, thinking about all the things they had spoke about the night before, the things they'd agreed on, the tings they had said at the same time and laughed about but also how they accepted each others opinions and agreed to disagree when they didn't see eye to eye.

Sebastian then remembered when he had been quizzed by Kimi about what he has been up to with Nico. He thought about how Kimi had been so forward, not really seeming shocked about what his friend had gotten up to with another driver, just wanting the gossip.
Sebastian frowned at this. He didn't know why his face reacted that way. He wanted Kimi to care about his actions, he wanted Kimi to know why he had did what he did with Nico. He would never tell Kimi he went with Nico just to see if he could blank out Kimi, but in a way he wanted him to know, he wanted to make him understand. He wanted Kimi to be jealous.
Beginning to feel like he had before, a mixture of guilt, confusion and a slight hint of fear, he decided to go for a walk to the bathroom to try clear his mind.

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