Chapter 3

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Sebastian had barely crossed the threshold of Nico's hotel room and he was being roughly pushed against the wall.

Once he was pinned with his wrists restrained either side of his head, Nico very slowly met his gaze. They looked at each other like they had earlier, only this time there seemed to be a look of knowing and acceptance of what this moment was about.

Sebastian moved his hands to try and free himself, to assert some authority over the situation, but to no avail. Nico responded by licking his lips and moving his face closer to Seb. Agonisingly slowly Seb thought as he fought back the urge to just push forward and connect lips with him. Something's are worth the wait he decided.

Eventually there was contact. The softest of brushes between lips. Seb could feel the hot breath of his fellow German, a light smell of or whatever they had been drinking, with a hit of mint. The brush of lips was enough to send shivers down Sebastian's spine and a tingle to his cock. Then, just as he had down at the function, Nico was jumping back and walking away from Seb.

"What are you drinking then? Nico asked in a way that you would ask your mother what you were having for dinner.

Sebastian stared at Nico for as second, still lost in the sensations of the kiss and confused Nico's actions. He then decided that he'd better speak.

I'll have whatever you're having", He replied, regaining the use of his legs and using them to walk over to the mini bar where Nico was standing.

With drinks in hand the two drivers headed over to the couch to take a seat. Nico once again looked very relaxed and casual as he sat down on the sofa. He had taken off his suit jacket and had unbuttoned the sleeves on his shirt and rolled them up a bit. He lounged back, one leg crossed over the other with one hand holding his drink resting on the arm of the chair and the other placed along the back. However, he still had his eyes fixed firmly on Seb. Sebastian on the other hand had became very nervous and the way he sat on the edge of the sofa with his hands on his knees, gripping his drink for dear life, made it very obvious.
He had began to regret his decision to come to Nico's. The feeling he had had at the other side of the door began to creep back in, the overwhelming feeling of guilt he had about being here, in this situation, was returning.

But why? He asked himself. Why should he feel guilty, why can't he just enjoy himself with Nico? The way his body reacted to Nico's words, touch and actions should be the only factors he should have to take into consideration.
But it wasn't the only factor, there was also the Kimi factor.

"Am I distracting you from your thoughts, Sebastian?" Nico talking soon brought Sebastian back to reality.

"Sorry. No. I'm, erm just a little nervous." It was true, he was nervous, nervous of hurting someone that in reality, couldn't care less about his current situation. It all felt a bit ridiculous.

Nico did the sympathetic head tilt again that he had done earlier, then placed his glass on the table next to the sofa. He slowly moved over to Seb and took his drink from his hand, and placed it on the table beside his.

"Sebastian, if you don't want to be here, then go." Nico's words were gentle, but he was still surveying Seb with his intense eyes, eyes that Seb found hard to look away from. Nico placed his hand on Seb's leg and gave him a reassuring squeeze. He then spoke again.
"I don't want to complicate things, I was hoping we could just, maybe celebrate our achievements today, together. Anyway, I could do with the distraction." Nico whispered the last sentence in Seb's ear, making Seb's body set alight with sensation.

Nico's words hit home, distraction. Maybe that's what Sebastian needed also. Maybe he just needed to work through these random emotions he keeps getting for Kimi and maybe, just maybe, this was the perfect opportunity.

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