Chapter 7

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Their eyes instantly locked.

Even through Kimi's glasses, he knew Seb was aware they were looking each other. Kimi sat with his arms folded, trying to ignore the stabbing feeling in his stomach and concentrated on keeping his face as calm and collected as possible. He coyly leaned forward, thinned his lips and regained composure. He was getting good at hiding his feelings from Sebastian, especially after all this time.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He asked in his usual quiet voice and laissez fair attitude.

He looked at Sebastian's expression, he noted how darn sexy he looked with his mouth hanging open.

However, the shock in Sebastian's face continued for a bit long, it confused Kimi. He would have though a meeting of two friends would have been more, well, friendly. This felt down right awkward. In fact, Sebastian looked exactly how Kimi felt.

"I kind of had a lie in this morning and, well, missed my flight." Sebastian's trailed off, beginning to gain the gift of speech once more.

As Sebastian rubbed the back of his neck and looked down at the seated Kimi, observing him through his narrowed eyes, Kimi was finding it hard to read his friend. This felt alien to Kimi, strange even, as Sebastian usually wore his heart on his sleeve with Kimi, another thing he adored him for. Something was clearly up.

Thinking that his usual direct, straight to the point attitude to things might not be the best way to get him to open up, and lets face it, it didn't work last night when he interrogated him about Nico, he instead decided to move his hand luggage and offer the young German the seat next to him.

Sebastian accepted, but not before a small hesitation which aroused Kimi's suspicions further.

The two drivers sat in silence. Not a comfortable one like last night when Seb had shown support to Kimi when he told him about his decision to have his operation, but an uncomfortable one, full of tension, full of emotion and full of things that needed to be said, Kimi thought.

He practically felt like kissing Sebastian when he broke the tension, turning his head quickly and eagerly, looking excited and slightly relieved to actually have found the words to say.

"Did you hear about your future team mate and his visit to hospital last night? I think Ferrari better invest in a good back specialists next year!" Sebastian said, his face spilling into his boyish smile, the air of devilment returning through a cheeky wink. It was enough to lightening the mood.

After the ice was broken, they managed to fall into there normal routine of Sebastian speaking and Kimi listening.

Kimi was happy to listen to Seb, to watch the way his face contorted when talking about something he disliked, the beautifulness of his features when they softened when speaking about racing, but most of all he liked when Sebastian looked naked, every emotion on show, flowing out of him into the surrounding air for Kimi to catch and understand.

Kimi only really spoke back when he profoundly disagreed with what Sebastian said, which wasn't very often, or to correct him, which was even rarer.

The time passed quickly now they both has something to entertain themselves. The four hours flew bye, there conversations only being broken by trips to the toilet, over attentive airline staff and an annoying Finn called Heikki.

Kimi had always reserved judgment on Heikki, he didn't "get" him even though they were from the same country and, Sebastian assured him, had loads in common. He disliked the power Heikki implied he had over Sebastian, the way he was always in the background, watching and practically growling at whoever dare speak to Sebastian. If Kimi was a lesser man, or could give a shit what people thought about him, he'd be intimidated by Heikki.

But the fact was, he couldn't give a shit and was glad when Heikki finally got the hint and left, giving Kimi one last look of contempt and warning as he did so. Kimi just threw it right back at him.

The tannoy announcement told them that it was now time to board the plane.

As Kimi boarded, he revelled in the way things had panned out, chance encounters that had brought him back to Sebastian. He loved how in the last two days it was like he had practically wished Sebastian into reality. Then he thought about how stupid and girly that sounded and cursed himself under his breath.

As he took his seat he could see Sebastian's arm hanging out from two rows down. He could hear Heikki explaining the new regime he had for him that they must start tomorrow.

Kimi thought about how Heikki needed to give the guy a break. He was already the world champion, in his prime, he was young, his fitness was excellent, he already worked out and exercised a lot, and his physical prowess...

Kimi got lost in that thought for a little while, willing himself to not get too carried away in the moment, some awkward questions could arise after all.

He shook himself from his day dream, noticing that the blue eyes of Sebastian were trying to make contact. Sebastian, who was still getting an ear full from Heikki, rolled his eyes and shook his head slightly, allowing a small coy smile to form on his beautiful lips.

As the two drivers looked each other in the eye, Kimi for a split second got a sense of intimacy from Sebastian. He was taken aback a little, it felt like Sebastian was trying to tell him something, a mix of confusion, happiness and sadness all in one. Not for the first time that day Kimi thought that Sebastian looked like exactly how he was feeling inside.

However, before Kimi had any real time to figure any of it out, the airhostess was bustling up the plane, into position for the safety announcements, drawing the attention of Sebastian away, the attention he was begging to crave more and more lately.

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