Chapter 6

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Kimi woke to the loud sound of his phone alerting him to a text. He shot up in fright, the noise leaving a ringing sound in his left ear.

As he sat up he gave a yawn. He hadn't really slept very well last night between it being too light outside, someone trying to batter a door down on the floor above and the curious lucid dreams he kept having about Sebastian.

As he picked his phone up on the second alert, he remembered why it has been so close to him in the first place. He'd text Sebastian as he left, thanking him for supporting him in his decisions and being someone he could talk to as usual. He had left it close at hand so he could hear it if he had replied. But he hadn't. It was a random network message.
With a grimace he half threw his phone on the other side of the bed and lounged back on the pillows. He wasn't comfortable, he could feel the twinge in his back starting. He was due a pain killing injection but had decided to wait until he was back in Switzerland until he got it.

Slowly sitting up, he thought about his chance encounter with Seb last night.

He'd looked about for him for a while, asking around if anyone has seen him. When Jenson had said that he had been at the function with Nico but has since left, Kimi assumed he had just called it a night and went back to his hotel room.
After enquiring at the reception about Sebastian's room number, and after having to sign shit and have his photo taken a ridiculous amount if times as a bribe, he had headed to the elevator, Sebastian's room number acquired.

However, no one had been there. Kimi began to remember too fell the feeling of dread in his stomach, the dread that he tried to ignore because it put two and two together, Nico and Sebastian...

After another trip to the reception, he had approached Nico's room.

Kimi remembered the feeling of his heart beating rapidly in his chest, hoping that his intuition was wrong for once, that Sebastian was simply somewhere else.
But when he heard, heard what he had most dreaded at the other side of the door, Sebastian's voice, a voice that was emitting words of ecstasy, being returned by Nico...

He had fled, left the hotel and had taken a quiet walk, trying to ignore the feeling of wanting to vomit. He wondered for a while, aimlessly thinking of the things the two drivers had been doing to each other, envying Nico, in fact, hating him for having what he wanted. His Sebastian.
Kimi had made his way back to the hotel after beginning to feel the cold nipping at him and was on his way back to his room when, well, his chance encounter had happened with Sebastian...

Kimi shook his head back to the present. He wouldn't let himself think anymore about it. He didn't want to be in this hotel anymore, it held too many bad memories, the race, and the revelations of last night. He was far too early for his flight but he couldn't just sit here thinking, it wasn't good for him. He thought about maybe phoning Sebastian but looking at the time on his phone he realised he would already be on his way back home.
He finally decided that waiting for his flight and feeling sorry for himself would be better off done at the airport.

Getting up gingerly, he quickly showered.


Kimi Raikkonen hated packing. He was rubbish at it. He could drive a formula 1 beautifully, well apart from the last race, but he could not understand the logic of not being able to fit everything that came out a suitcase back in.

After a third attempt of repacking, he was there.

Kimi preferred to travel alone. He was quite a reserved person, having lots of friends and admirers but only really letting a select few into his domain. Like Sebastian.
He packed his suitcase into the boot of his hired car, noting the twinge in his back getting worse. Ignoring the pain, he got into the car and headed to the airport.

Whilst travelling, he thought of Sebastian once again.

He had clicked with him since he first met him as a rookie, liking his style of driving, the instinct he had, the determination and most of all, the hunger and passion.
When he had returned to f1 however they had really became friends, getting to know the man not just the machine and not just in the f1 world. His admiration for Sebastian has developed into friendship and eventually Kimi discovered one night whilst having dinner with Seb, attraction.
He'd nearly kissed him. In the end just pulling Sebastian into a man hug, but he hadn't known if it was just the drink talking and that he was horny and just wanted a fuck. However when he had woken up in the morning and still felt the same, he had known for sure.
He had decided that he would see how things went, he didn't want to lose Sebastian over it, having him as a friend was just as important that having him in other ways. It wasn't worth the risk until he was sure the feelings would be reciprocated.

That was almost a year ago...

As he pulled into the airport, he unloaded his suitcase more gently this time and headed for the terminal. He checked in with little fuss and even though he could see a few people looking at him in recognition, they didn't approach him. Maybe the idea of wearing glasses indoors was doing it's job of quietly and politely saying "don't speak to me".

He then made his way to the departure lounge stopping off to get some paracetamol, a bottle of water and a magazine for his long wait on the way. As he swigged his water, he opened the door to the first class lounge, being greeted by a very excitable, over attentive employee. He walked right past her, she obviously wasn't aware of his indoor glasses rule.
He found a seat and placed his hand luggage on the one next to him.

Then he saw him. But was it really him? Was his mind playing trick on him? He'd got an earlier flight. He was probably in Switzerland by now. He'd probably just been thinking about Sebastian that much today so far that he was imagining things.
Kimi decided to have a look at the magazine he'd bought, all the while one eye on the door.

And sure enough, 5 minutes later, his questions were answered when Sebastian Vettel walked through the door.

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