How the hell did we get like this again?

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Hi, Molly here! This is my new story and I'm really excited.  But first, some notes: 

This DOES NOT follow the plot of Soul Eater at all, and just uses the world and concepts. 

All relationships are platonic unless I say otherwise. 

And apart from that I think thats as of now!


(Word Count: 991)

After this, Grian would have consumed 99 souls. He would be one soul off, and he would have his chance at being a death scythe. While Grian was in a world of his own, thinking of all the cool, chaotic things he could do as a death scythe, Mumbo was still in reality.

"Grian? Mate, are you there? We're in the middle of something, it's not the best time to leave me alone!" Mumbo shouted as he swung Grian's spear form around to block the arm of the being they were fighting. Grian, back in reality, groaned, and watched as Mumbo swung him around. After casually falling off 2 roofs, almost dying 5 times, and remembering it was Tuesday (Mumbo hated them, he had to call his dad), Mumbo (and Grian, kinda) killed the being. Their soul was an evil human soul, and don't worry, Mumbo doesn't like the fact that it doesn't have a actual name. Grian reverted to his human form, with fluffy brown hair, a bright red hoodie, and khaki colored hiking pants, grabbed the floating soul, and swallowed it whole. Mumbo had asked what the soul tasted like once, and Grian had said, "Radiation and Fire."

"Well, pluck my nose hairs and send me to Alaska! That makes 99 of those things!" Grian exclaimed happily while extending his winged backpack contraption, causing him to start fluttering up into the air. Mumbo, though glad for Grian, and the fact that he hadn't died yet, he still had to call his dad. His clingy, annoying-ass dad. Oh, how he hated Tuesdays.

"Well, yeah mate, but it's Tues- Grian? Where are you off to now?" Mumbo said as Grian started to fly off towards the Cats' Mansion. "I'M OFF TO FIGHT A WITCH!" Grian exclaimed, landing on the ground and bolting in the direction of The Cats Mansion. Mumbo, who was way too tired for this, started walking the other direction, knowing Grian wouldn't fight the witch without him. Sighing, Mumbo made his way to the nearest window, tapped it twice, and stood back. The window turned white, then shifted into a place that looked like a weird, distorted graveyard. Answering the window-call was Ren, Death's righthand man. Or dog-man. Ren wore black visor like sunglasses, and had a half checkered lumber worker shirt, as he had a shop that sold logs and wood. Only one side of his suspenders was up and he had dog ears poking out from his head. He also had his right arm replaced with a robotic one after an accident with an axe from wood cutting.

"Yes, who is thi- Oh Mumbo, My dude! How are ya doin' buddy? Your dad left 30 calls for you. He's not here right now, ya want me to pass a message?" Ren asked, reaching for his phone. Mumbo started vigorously shaking his head and said, "Thanks mate, but, uh, no. I don't want to talk to him right now, "Mumbo said. Grian eventually popped up behind Mumbo.

"The door is locked. We need to break in the old fashion wa- oh hi Ren! Got any new sales for wood?" Grian said as he waved at Ren and before he could say anything, Grian turned to Mumbo saying, "Doors locked in the front soooooooo-" Grian said, trailing off.

"We are NOT breaking a window or using 'the magic hobbit hole!'" Mumbo immediately exclaimed, grabbing Grain by the arm and pulling him back over to the window. Grian sighed and tried to stand patiently behind Mumbo as Ren warned them about some of the bad things that would happen if they fought but failed to get a witch's soul.

"...Also, don't forget. If you fail at this, you forfeit all the 99 souls you have gotten up to now. Its-," Ren stopped short as his ears twitched and said, "Oh god, Mumbo, your dad is coming this way. He's a pain in my tail as well as yours. Got to go! BYE!" Ren disconnected the call immediately after and Mumbo, shrugging, said, "Well, time to go fight a witch I guess."


Grian could almost burst with excitement. He could be a Death Scythe, the dream he had from his former meister. Oh, how Grian wished that they were here right now. As he and Mumbo walked up to the door, Grian shifted his arm into a spear tip and stabbed it into the door, breaking the door down. Walking in, Mumbo grabbed Grian's hand that was still a hand and the rest of Grian's body shifted into a spear. Made out of polished mahogany wood, and a glimmering crystal tip with a tiny halo and wings surrounding it, Mumbo brandished Grian to the faintest noise he heard, which was, to list it off, the wind, a rat, a cat, a window that just happened to be open, and another few cats. I mean the CATS Mansion was notorious for housing stray cats. And it just so happened that Mumbo hated cats. Yup. Not the best place to hunt for a witch. After walking up and around the entire place, Mumbo said, "Well, that's the whole house, there's no witch here so let's just go hom-"

Right on cue, the resident witch of the mansion, flew in through the window on a broom, with a neat tuft of straw, and with bright blue crystals hovering at the front of the stick. On it was a man with... a tail? With a large purple witch hat on top of a large floof of sandy blonde hair, he wore a long, purple coat like thing with long sleeves and a black turtleneck and long, gray pants and boots.

"Oh ho ho, what do we have here Jellie? Visitors? Well, I hope this is going to be the last bunch of kids that try to kill me. Then I can go back to making custom trees. That's much more fun, isn't it?"


Sorry this is short, but the ball is only starting to get rolling! By chapter 3, its going to get good. Anyway, the characters in this chapter will be shown down here. The bolded name is the name/stage name that that character uses.

[Characters mentioned:

Charles Minecraft (Stage name: Grian)- DWMA student, Weapon

M.J. Baggins (Stage name: Mumbo Jumbo)- DWMA student, Meister

Ren Dog- Death scythe, works with Shinigami-sama, weapon

Unknown character *COUGH* *CHOUGH*

JEllie (if it didn't give it away it did now :3 /\) ]

See ya next chapter!

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