Dear Grian and Mumbo, H E L P

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IM back! ... Welp time to go die again

[Words: 1551]


Grian and Mumbo had been in Hermitville for about a week and a half now. Scar found a spot right outside the city gates for them to park the van and that's where they camp out until Scar declares the motel done. They were chatting with some of the other hermits when Scar ran into Main street, a huge murder of crows tailing his tail. Grian, who grew up with a literal crow man, started waving his hands to make the murder split. He hoped that people thought he knew what he was doing, because he didn't. Then he noticed a small bandana on one of the crow's neck, and recognized it as Timmy, one of Phil's crows.

"Ay, look, its Corvza!" Grian shouted into the loud blob of caws, "It's me, Grian!" The crow noticed him and flew over, landing on Grian's sandy blonde hair. Dropping a stack of letters into his hands, Corvza flew off into the crisp blue sky. The murder of crows following Scar stopped their pursuit and left, followed Corvza.

Opening the letter on top, Grian said, "Oh hey, it's from Wilbur. He would always sing his letter while writing letters, Scar can you-," Grian said and Scar said, "Yes, but I need a voice sample." Grian pulled out his video camera which had a video of Wilbur singing one of his new songs. Grian didn't like it too much, as it contained swearing, but it worked so he played it.

"Life is quite what I thought I'd be, when I was a kid on VYP. I thought when I get older, I'd marry her I told her-," Scar paused it, saying, "That should be good. Ok," He said looking at Mumbo, Grian, the other hermits having scattered when the crows were following Scar, "Ready?" Grian and Mumbo nodded, and Scar cast the spell.

An illusion was cast on top of the area and they were zapped into Scar's own mini dimension (so they didn't accidently break something). The music started playing to the tune of Sincerely Me, from Dear Evan Hansen.

"Dear Grian an' Mumbo, it's been rough since you guys left," The illusion formed to show Wilbur, sitting at his desk, his beanie having a strange brown tint to it. He was singing along as the letter wrote its self in the illusion.

"Things have been crazy and it sucks that you guys aren't around. But I should tell you that we think of you each day. I also think that Tommy has the hots for Ranboo (sorry shouldn't have wrote that, mmh, not really relevent). I got to tell you that life without you guys has been hard. Hard? Has been quiet? Quiet? Has been weird. Yup. And I miss talking about souls and other stuff. Very specific, I know. I like Shelby. (platonically!) I love Shelby, and each day just passes by. She and I noticed that there has been a bunch of witch activity. Not like seen it yet, but close enough. It was interesting. Confusing? It was an endeavor that we shouldn't have poked our heads into. She nearly lost her arm. My beanie is now burnt. But we'll turn it around, wait and seeee." Wilbur jumped up from his desk and started to dance, because why not.

"But the witches are up to something and. We. Are. Nervous! But we hope it'll change if we give it our. Att. Ten. TION!" Mumbo noticed the punctuation was funny, but this is Wilbur Craft. Of course, it was weird.

"All we got to do, is just believe in Shinigamiiii. Hopefully." When he finished that word, he started to talk normally, "Like hopefully, he deals with this stuff and not make us do it. But of course, its us." Then he continued singing, but they noticed that the illusion shifted and Wilbur looked more battered.

"Dear Grian an Mumbo, Yes I repeated the first line. It's a few days later and now everyone is terrified. The witches threatened the DWMA. You'd be suprised on how many came to 'play'. We definitely were. Guys, we hope your good, but some help would be nice! We'll try to turn it around, just and we'll see. 'Cus all that will take is a little hope and luck! It hopefully relatively easy to deal with! All we got to do, is, like, fight off a bunch of witches, that should be easy. (Hopefully!) (Tom thinks Ranboo is hot. SORRY TOMMY MY BAD)"

"Dear Grian and MUmbO, Did a mention Sally is kinda hot? Dear Grian an Mumbo I know I've said it 3 other times. But theres a war going on. And we'd kinda like some help. But not because we're losing badly. No, not because of that. What gave you that idea? But, still, help would be nice. AHHH- Well anywayyy! It's getting better every day. It's kinda getting better every day. Ok, I don't think it's getting better every dayyyy! A battle is brewing and its starting to get. Real. Scary! It should be fine if we give it our at. Ten. Tion! All we gotta do, is just believe we can get out of this alive, Sincerely me!" The letter ended there, but Wilbur kept singing, "Sincerely me! Sincerely Me-E-EEE! Sincerely me!" At the base drop, the illusion stopped and they were in a blank white world.

After the song ended and the illusion faded and Grian proceeded to rip open the envelope that was labeled to be from 'BIG MAN TOMMY INNIT.' Grian was surprised that Tommy could even write, but when he opened the letter, the words were so messy, that it really made no difference.

"DeARest MumBO (and Big G I guess),


Anyways speaking of the school... it may or may not had been attacked by a bunch of witches, that's when I may or may not have accidentlly kissed Ranboo. BUT THAT DOESNT FCUkING MATTER, I WAS UNDER A SPELL. The witches somehow stormed past the defences that Shinigami-sama and Mumza set up. It was like WHAPtAM and then BlAGuhdShdf and stuff and then the side of the castle blew up. Daza and THE BLaDE ran to the wall and saw Mumza doing that weird Death god taijuzu shit and then they transformed. Phil and Techno tranformed and then Techno's weird Death scythe thing where he can do the funny blood exploding thingy and they blew up some of those bitches right? And then they were trying to get us out, but they can't stop a big man like me, so i tranformed for Ranboo and Tubbo did the same and he followed Puffy and Nikki. Wil was fighting a weird fish witch thing in his tambourine form and Shelby was shooting all the magic spark things that Will can do right? And then Ranboo was like 'Oh Tommy, Pay attention!' and he was shooting my tranquilizer darts to hit all of the witches that were near us. Right as he said that too, Jack, yes, Jack Manifold, did something USEFUL for once and used Scott (its unfair he's a death weapon) and blew up everything from the top of the tower with Scott's explodey bullets. THEN Dream started a chain resonace and-"

The ramble about every little detail of the battle went on for about 5 pages of paper, back and front, so Grian skimmed over the rest. No major casualties, but the most major of the issues was that Techno had to get his left arm amputated, meaning one handle of his claymore hilt was now missing till he gets a replacement, Wil was hit with an insanity spell which still hasn't worn off ( the letter he wrote was from about a week before the battle) and Quackity has a scar running up his left eye, rendering him blind on that side. All in all, not too good.

The last letter was from the one and only Dadza Minecraft. Grian was nervous, as Tommy did say that Phil was a front liner, but with Philza's death weapons abilities and training, he would be fine. On the other hand, the Blood God, Professor Technoblade himself lost his arm in the same fight, soooo...

Grian, realizing he had zoned out, came back to reality and tore open the white envelope. The paper itself looked a bit charred, and in big letters on top of the paper read, "Don't worry mate, we are all fine!!" and below said, "Just some minor limb loss, and half of the school getting blown up. Mumza is fine, along with most of the students. Karl and Sapnap are taking care of Quackity, and Wil is being isolated right now. Techno also has his prothetic, so he has both of his arms now. No need for you to come home, we have everything under control. Dadza loves you!"

"So every thing is fine, right?" Scar asked tentatively as Grian walked away with the letters clutched tightly in his hands.

"I think he will," Mumbo said, smiling, "knowing how strong Grians family is, he'll be fine."

Grian smiled. He knew Mumbo was right. They would be ok. 


Eyup so I gave up on the character name thing... I'll add it later...

Homework is a pain....



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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