I am not qualified to handle this level of drama.

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This chapter was a bit rushed at the end... sorry :/


[words: 1427]


Mumbo and Grian had been on the road for about 2 days now. After saying good bye to all of their classmates (Wilbur and Techno were sad to see Grian leave and Tommy was in tears because he was going to miss his 'Big Mumbo') the hit the road. Grian had remembered that he ordered a package and it turned out a new video camera, which the duo brought along with them. The first few nights weren't that bad and both Grian and Mumbo slept relatively well. The first place they wanted to go see was a town called Sci-Craft, but Mumbo seemed to accidently have taken a wrong turn at some point because Grian and Mumbo found themselves in the middle of a forest. Which was weird, because they were in the middle of Arizona right now, having left Nevada a few days ago. The day became night, and the team was still stuck in the middle of the forest.

"Well, we should set up camp here, I guess. There's no point trying to find our way out in the dark," Grian said, pulling out their tents and sleeping bags. While they were setting up camp, Mumbo heard something. Spinning around, Mumbo saw a brown stripped cat scamper by the van. Mumbo thought nothing of it, but oh how that was a bad decision.

While Grian and Mumbo were throwing their stuff on into the van, they were ambushed. A blond girl with goggles and a chipped and beaten up sword jumped into Mumbo while a man with brown hair and a beard of the same color jumped onto Grian. He gripped onto a flowery sword, and Grian managed to see the refection of the blade. That's when he faintly noticed a girl with short, brown hair, and pink flowers all over her hair. Wait- did he know her?

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?!" the girl on top of Mumbo said. Her sword transformed into a zombie looking girl with greenish skin that was missing in places. The weapons' arm was still transformed into a sharp, chipped blade that was pointed at Mumbo's head.

"IF YOU WANT YOU HEAD, ASNWER HER!" the zombie girl shouted. Instead of doing that, Mumbo grabbed Grian's wrist and Grian transformed into his spear form. Sweeping Grian at their captors' ankles, Mumbo managed to get the blonde girl off him and jumped up pointing his spear to fight.

Grian, against Mumbo's will, quickly turned back and raised his hands and looked at the flowery sword in the man's hands. She transformed back and said, "Grian? OHH NOW I REMEMBER HIM!" she said, clapping her hand to her forehead. "You were with Taurtis, Sam, Dom Rao and those guys. What did you call your group... YHS? "

Grian, holding back tears from all the memories of those days, not from good ones, but from painful ones, nodded. He missed Taurtis and DomRao (not much Sam, but that was a different thing) but he managed to pull himself together and say, "Heyyy Stress. Long time no see.


It took a while to convince the zombie girl and goggles girl that they wouldn't try to kill them and they were just camping out. After packing up everything, the zombie girl and the goggles girl (Grian and Mumbo later learned that their names were Cleo and False) along with the bearded man (Iskall) had warmed up to the duo (with some assistance from Stress) took Mumbo and Grian into a small town deep in the forest.

"Welcome," Cleo said grandly, "To Hermitville." The town's population couldn't be more than 30 people but it still looked like it was bustling and busy. "HEY! JOE!" Cleo yelled, waving at a man with short hair, square rimmed glasses and a dark blue t-shirt with an '@' symbol on it.

"Hey Cleo! Who are these guys?" Joe said, pointing to Grian and Mumbo.

"They said they are 'just campers,'" Cleo said with air quotes, "We're taking him to the mayor. You know, introduction into the city and such. He was the one who told them they were there."

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