Ehehehhhh... Dont mind us, just getting stuff

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Anyway im back guys :3 enjoy the chapter!!

[Words: 1731]


Later the next week, Mumbo and Grian were planning their 'world tour.' It was mostly planning what small towns they wanted to visit and how to camp out, as Mumbo had never done it before. Luckily, they had Mumbo's camper van to travel in.

"We're going to need two small tents, a sleeping bag for you, food, a gaslight portable stove, the gas for that stove, extra gas for the camper van, water, water, actually lots of water." Grian said as Mumbo scribbled this down on a shopping list. Grian paused to think and Mumbo asked, "Don't you have a tent already?" Grian nodded but replied, "Its old and really beaten up. And- "Grian stopped, sharply inhaled and continued his sentence, "And it was Ta- his. We," Grian sniffed, "We went camping all the time."

There was an awkward silence that was broken by a knock on the door. "OHHH! OOHHH! There's my package!" Grian fluttered over to door and opened it. But instead of his package, Grian was met by one of his old classmates, Martyn Littlewood. Martyn had blond hair with a black ribbon tied around his head, keeping it down, and was wearing a lime green hoodie with a fire like symbol on it. He graduated 2 years ago and he hasn't talked to Grian since. "Hi Martyn? What's going on, what do you need?"

"Hey G, uh, Ren wanted you to come over to Logz Inc. He tried to call you but I think because it was the business number so it probably went to spam and-," Martyn was cut off by Grian hugging him. Martyn and his partner, Ren, had been good friends with Taurtis and Grian but had gone silent to Grian after Taurtis' death.

Mumbo who was behind Grian coughed and asked, "So Grian. Care to introduce me?" Grian hastily finished hugging Martyn and quickly said, "Mumbo, Martyn. Martyn, Mumbo. OK, you said we needed to go to Logz right? Let's go, let's go!!" Grian dashed out of the room and Martyn and Mumbo followed as fast as they could.

5 minutes later, Grian was in front of a building that looked like it was a small hollowed oak. The sign hanging from above the door read 'Logz Inc.' in large text and underneath the store name was 'Fire woods, logs, planks, and everything in between.' The shop was owned by Ren, but since he was always busy either getting stock or being Shinigami's right-hand dog-man, Martyn was usually left in charge.

"Is Ren in shop right now?" Grian asked. Martyn nodded and jokingly said, "Why would I come get you guys myself if he wasn't?" As they were laughing, Mumbo walked up to the door and opened it, and immediately the smell of wood chips and dust filled his nostrils. Coughing as Martyn handed him a mask, Grian pointed at a small stool that had a stack of masks and said, "To keep you safe, please wear a mask so you don't inhale to much dust! Thank you for your understanding! – Ren T. Dog." Grian and Martyn had already put on their masks, so once Mumbo had his on, they entered the store.

"Hello there! Welcome to Logz Incorporated how can I help yo- Oh Mumbo, Grian! Thanks Martyn!" Ren said, coming out from behind the shelfs of logs, a handful of diamonds in his hands. Diamonds are much more common than you would think, and the government makes gem things that look like diamonds to use for the currency, so that's the currency. "Also, Mumbo, Grian, I heard what happened. So, what are you planning to do now that you've basically dropped out?"

"We're going to travel the world!" Grian said excitedly. Ren smiled, as it was the first time in a while that he had seen Grian be excited about something other than fighting witches and getting souls. "Well I wanted to give you this, so you know, you remember us when you find somewhere to settle later," Ren handed a small keychain of a whittled axe to Mumbo, "Oh and uh, if you find a green goat robot person, uhh I have a photo... here this guy," Ren blushed as he showed a photo what looked like a green goat hybrid with half of their face replaced with robotic parts. "If you, uhh, see this guy, can you give him this?" Handing a letter with the photo to Grian, Grian managed to recognize this person at last. Doc M. Grian knew that Ren and Doc used to be dating, but he said nothing.

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