Part Three

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I woke up the next morning feeling good. I looked over at Pansy's bed to see if she was awake and I saw that she wasn't there. As I looked to see what the time was Pansy walked in and said good morning.

Once I was up and dressed me and Pansy went to the common room to wait for the boys. They came in about 5 minutes after we sat down. 'Are you girls ready to go to breakfast?' Draco asked ' yep' me and Pansy said at the same time.

We headed to the Great Hall and I was greeted by my brother. He came over to us and asked if he could talk to me. I agreed and told the others to go find a seat. ' I don't think it is a good idea that you are hanging around Draco and his friends,' Harry started of with. ' Ohh and whys that. Let me guess it is because you and Draco are enemy's.' I responded ' yes that is the reason and they will turn there backs on you and you will be all alone.' Harry continued. ' Well they are nice to me so I think I will stay being friends with them.' with saying that I walked into the Great Hall and found Draco and the others.

As I started getting food Draco asked ' What was that all about?' 'Just my brother saying I shouldn't hang with you guys but I am not going to listen to him.' I answered. The six of us kept on talking until we were finished with our breakfast.

Once we were out of the Great Hall we went and got the books that we would be needing. The four classes I had today were Potions, Defence against the dark arts, care of magical creatures and Charms. Today I had all my classes with Draco and the others. Some of them I had with Harry though so this is going to be fun.

Once we had gotten the books we would need we headed of to Potions. Harry was in this class. We found a seat and waited for the teacher. Harry was on the other side of the room and gave me a look. I ignored it and turned to talk to Pansy. Snape walked in and the class started we were learning about a potion that cured uncommon poisons. Draco and Pansy helped me a lot since I was behind and I soon understood a lot of what Snake was saying.

We about half way through the class when Snape asked me a question but I think he went easy on me. The question was ' what is one of the poisons this potion help with?' ' Well professor it can cure Doxyvenom.' I answered with confidence. ' Well done, Miss Potter.'

The rest of the class flew by and I was doing great. I did keep on getting looks from my brother but I was trying to ignore him but to be honest with you I was kinda annoyed.

The next class I had was Defence against the dark arts with Professor Lupin. We were learning about Boggets. 'The spell we use an Boggets is ridiculous. Can you repeat after me ridiculous.' ' Ridiculous' ' This class is ridiculous.' Draco said making a snarky comment. ' Agreed' I said. The class went on and we got to face our own Boggets. 'y/n your up,' Lupin stated. I took a step up and the bogget started to change. To be honest I have no idea of what it is going to be. I stood there for a bit longer but it kept on changing. ' Sorry y/n but I don't think you have a fear,' Lupin said 'Its ok professor.' I responded.

The class stopped once it got to Harry's turn because of his fear. It was a dementor. Since the class had finished Me and Draco headed to Care of Magical Creatures.

Once we got to the paddock Hagrid showed us what we were learning about. I found the class kinda boring. Like why do we have to learn about creatures. ' Hey Draco do you think this class is kinda boring?' I asked. ' Yep it is and I swear Hagrid is picking favorites.' Draco responded. I agreed and continued listening.

Once Harry got off of Buckbeck, Draco wanted a turn so he started to walk towards Buckbeck. ' Draco stop I don't think that is a good idea.' I yelled out to Draco. He didn't listen. He ended up hurting his arm and having to go to Madam Promfry. I went with him and stayed with him in the hospital wing.

Once we were done we headed to the Great Hall for lunch. Pansy was making sure Draco was fine, while Harry and his friends were looking at us. I just ignored him.

Lunch was great and when we were done eating we headed to Charms class.

Halfway through the class I got bored and started drawing in my book and not paying attention. The professor didn't even realise, which was good. For the rest of the session I drawed and talked to Draco.

Once we were done with all our classes we headed out to the edge of the Black Lake. We were having a lovely time until Harry and his friends came over. ' What do you want Potter?' Draco said, ' Leaving now that I know your here.' Harry responded. ' Good.' Draco finished the conversation. Harry and his friends left and we continued having a good time.

Once it got to dinner time we headed to the Great Hall. Dinner was over in like 5 minutes, well that's what it felt like. When we left the Great Hall we headed to our common room and hanged out by the fire. Me and Draco were sitting next to each other and to be honest with you I think we are getting a bit more close with each other. I also think I am starting to like him more than a friend, but I am not going to let him know that.

We headed to bed at about 10:00 pm but me and Pansy stayed up talking an my bed. We ended the conversation after about 20 minutes. We said goodnight and headed to bed.

Author's Note:
Another chapter done. I am enjoying writing this so I hope you like reading it. This chapter is a little bit longer not that much though.

Word Count: 1080 words

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