Part Eight

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It is the next morning and i wake up to Pansy shaking me. ' y/n, y/n wake up,' I sat up and looked at her she said ' Sorry for waking you but we were all planning to go to Hogsmeade and i thought you might want to come.' I said sure and to wait for me to get dressed. She went to the common room and waited with the others while i got dressed and ready. Once i was ready i headed down and saw the others waiting for me. When i got over to them we headed out the door and made our way to Hogsmeade. 

When we got to Hogsmeade Draco came to walk next to me and held my hand. We first went to the Three Broomsticks and had some butterbeers. We sat in there talking and laughing it was great fun. Once we were done with our butterbeers we all decided to go to the like park area Draco asked me on a date at. When we got there, we all stated to have a snowball fight. Everyone was on their own and we were having great fun. All of a sudden i got hit in the back and i turned to see who threw it and saw Draco smirking at me so i chucked one quickly at him. Me and Draco kept on hitting each other until he came running over and kinda tackled me but caught me before we fell over. HE kissed me and our friends cheered for us and we turned to look and told them to shut up. We kept on having a snowball fight and just had a good time.

When we were all cold and tired we headed to Honey Dukes like always to get some snacks and things. When we were all done we headed back to Hogwarts. We got back right before dinner and we went straight to the Great Hall. Me and Draco were hand in hand and when we got inside the Great Hall everyone turned to look at us. My guess is someone saw us kiss and told others. I didn't really care if people knew but i didn't like how people were just steering at us. When we sat down everyone went back to there conversations and we ate our food. 

When we were done the others stayed in the Great Hall and caught up with some other friends. Me and Draco went to the common room because we didn't want to see some of our other friends. When we got to the common room we grabbed a book and cuddled on one of the sofa's. I ended up falling asleep on his chest and when i woke up i was in my bed. Draco must have brought me up here.  I looked over at my clock and it said 10:00pm. since it was still night i went back to me. 

When i woke up in the morning i got ready for my classes. when i was ready i went to the common room and found Draco on one of the sofa's i went over to him and said good morning. I also said thanks for  taking me up to my bed last night. he said your welcome and we headed to the Great Hall. When we got to the Great Hall Harry came running up to me and said he needed to talk to me. I told him if it is about me and Draco dating i don't want to hear it. When finished talking me and Draco continued heading to our normally spot. WE ate our breakfast and headed to our first class.

First class was potions and we needed a partner so me and Draco partnered up. We were working on a potion while getting dirty looks from Harry and his friends. I find it very annoying how they judge me when i am just trying to leave my life. 

Class went by quick probably because me and Draco were more having fun. Once class was over, we headed down to the black lake because we had a free period. We sat down by the lake just talking and laughing. 

When we headed to our next class we had Defense against the dark arts. Class was kinda boring. Class felt like it went for 5 days but when it was over i was so happy it was lunch. Me and Draco went to the Great Hall and had lunch. The next class was canceled so me and Draco meet the others in the library and we sat in there talking and study.  In the end we got kicked out of the library because we were making too much noise. We all headed to the common room and continued to talk and study in there. When it was time for bed me and Draco headed to his dorm and we watched a movie I stayed in his dorm that night and i had a good sleep. It is so comfortable sleeping in Draco's arms. 

Word Count: 846 words

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