Part Eighteen

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A couple weeks later it was time for the second challenge. We were all waking over to the black lake but i noticed that Hermione, Ron, Cho, and Fleur's little sister were missing. It got me wondering about what the challenge was. I was stopped in thought by Draco asking me ' What are you thinking about?' I answered ' Just about what the challenge is' He nodded and then asked ' So what do you think it will be?' ' Idk but i did notice that Hermione, Ron, Cho and Fleur's little sister are missing so i think it might involve them.' Draco nodded again and we kept on talking about what we thought it was going to be. 

Once we were in our spots we waited for Dumbledore to explain the challenge. Once he was finished explain the champions got ready to dive into the water. Right before the buzzer went Harry stuck something into his mouth. Professor Moody hit his back and he fell into the water. Every one at first thought he died and Neville Longbottom said ' Oh no i killed Harry Potter.' 

Right after Neville said that Harry came flying out of the water. Everyone cheered and he went back into the water. All the champions were in the water and we couldn't see what they were doing. After a while I got bored but then Cedric came out of the water with Cho in his arms. Not to long after Fleur came out but with no one and she was hurt. After a little Victor appeared and he had Hermione and Harry was the last to finish. We waited a bit longer and he still wasn't out but hen we thought he wouldn't show he did with both Ron and Fleur's little sister. 

Cedric came first, Harry came second since he saved two people, Victor came third and Fleur came last. Once the challenge was over we went back inside for dinner. There was rumor going around that Gryffindor were throwing a party and the Slytherin's were going to crash it. Me and Draco decided not to go.

Since most of the Slytherins were at the party the common room was really empty so me and Draco sat in front of the fire and i taught him ho to play monopoly.  It was great fun and at first he kept on making mistakes even though there aren't many mistakes you can make.  We styed sitting Infront of the fire laughing and having fun. 

When i woke up the next morning I realized i was laying on Draco's chest Infront of the fire. I woke Draco up and we headed to breakfast. Today we were allowed to go to Hogsmeade so after breakfast me and Draco went back to the common room and went to Hogsmeade. For the rest of we were walking around Hogsmeade. It was great fun and reminded me of our first date.

Word count: 494 words

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