Part Twenty

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Time Skip?

Today is the day of the last challenge. Everyone is already seated and ready for the challenge to begin. By the looks of what we could see it looked like a maze. 

After about 5 minutes of waiting Dumbledore explained what the challenge was and it didn't sound fun. The 4 champions were sent into the maze and we all just sat around waiting. While we were waiting Fleur got sent out. I was wondered if Harry was ok and i wondered what some of the stuff he had to verse were. 

After a while of waiting and Victor was already out. Harry got teleported out of the maze holding Cedric and the cup. By the looks it looked like he was crying. Cedrics father went running over and yelled " My boy." 

Cedric was dead.

As soon as i relised he was dead i turned into hug Draco. I wasn't closed with Cedric or anything but just knowing he was dead made me sad. Dumbledore sent everyone back to the castle and we went back to the common room.

The next day i went and found Harry to see how he was doing and he told me what happened. I was shocked at what he told me and for some reason i didn't feel safe at Hogwarts. 

Hogwarts is supposedly a safe place but i didn't feel safe. I didn't know why because i knew Voldemort could get me here. 

After talking to Harry i went back to the common room. I stayed quiet for the rest of the day and everyone knew something was up. I didn't tell anyone. 

The next morning i had a plan. I was going to leave Hogwarts. I didn't know where i was going to go but i knew it was going to be somewhere i felt safe. Which at the moments isn't Hogwarts. 

I decided to get all my stuff and leave a note because i didn't want to face anyone because i knew they would try to stop me. I left a note for Draco, Harry, and the friend group. 

Once i was ready i left.

Dracos Pov:

I woke up the morning after the last challenge kinda still a bit shocked from what happened. I decided to go to y/n's room to see how she was doing but when i got to her room she wasn't there. It isn't like her to be up this early. I go and sit on her bed and find 3 notes. One for me, one for Harry and one for the friend group. 

I grab the one with my name on it and read it in my head. It said:

Dear Draco,

I hope you know i love you and i always will. But after what happened at the challenge i don't feel safe at hogwarts anymore. I don't know why but i decided to leave and go somewhere i do feel safe. I hope you aren't mad or anything. I would of said by in person but i knew you would try and get me to stay so i left yuo a note. You probably don't want to see me again because i just left. But i do want you to know that i love you and i hope to see you again.

Love from Y/n

Once i was finished reading the note i was almost in tears but i grew up not crying so i stay strong. I wasn't mad at her i was just sad. I also understood that she didn't feel safe and i feel bad because she didn't tell me or anything. 

Pasnys Pov: 

I woke up and saw Droce on y/ns bed i went over to him and asked what he was doing he showed me a note it said to everyone. 

I read it and it explained that y/n had left Hogwarts because she didn't feel safe after what happened to Cedric. 

Me and Draco decided to go and show the others and to give Haryy his note.

Harry's POv: 

Today around Lunch Draco came up to me and gave me note i silently confused but i opened it anyway. The note explained that y/n didn't feel safe at Hogwarts because of what happened to cedric so she left. I didn't really know how to react so i just sat there.

Word Count: 719 words.

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