Part Fifteen

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A lot of people from all 3 schools have put there name in and a lot of people have tried. Take the Weasley twins for example they even went as far as using a aging potion to make them older but it didn't work. 

Today is the last day to put your name in the goblet and tonight Dumbledore will read out the champion's name's. Currently since we didn't have any classes me and my friends were all sitting down by the Black Lake hanging around. At one point We all had our feet in the water and we were splashing each other. Me and Draco teamed up and got Pansy and Blaise soaking wet. By the time we got out the water we were all soaking wet so we went inside to our common room to warm up. Up until dinner time we sat around the fireplace trying to get warm. 

When we had all finished eating dinner Dumbledore came into the center of the room were the goblet was and everyone was waiting for him to start talking. He was saying stuff like if you get picked good luck to you. When he came to pull out the first name we were all amazed. A piece of paper came flying out. Dumbledore said ' Our first champion is from Beauxbatons and she is Fleur Delacour.' Everyone clapped and waited for Dumbledore to pull out another name. The next name shot out and Dumbledore said ' The next Champion is from Durmstrang and he is Victer Krum.' Everyone once again clapped. The last name fly out and Drumbore said ' Our final champion is from Hogwarts and they are Cedric Diggory.' For what we thought would be the last time everyone clapped. Dumbledore said a thank you to everyone who put there name in and went to walk of but the goblet spit out another name. Everyone was confused and Dumbledore read out 'Harry Potter.' Everyone looked at Harry and stared talking to there friends. Harry went to were there the other champions went and everyone else went to there common room to go to bed. 

When we got to our common room we were talking about how Harry got his name in the goblet. Draco then asked ' Y/n how do you feel about your brother being in the tournament?" I responded with ' I don't really know. Like i mean we don't get along or anything but i still don't want him to get hurt.' We continued talking about things and went to bed soon after.

When i woke up the next morning we all went down for breakfast and everyone was still talking about how Harry got his name in the goblet. We had classes today and the other schools would be joining our classes. 

First up i had Defense against the Dark arts and it was kinda weird having the other schools join our class. By the end of the class most of the i guess you can call them new kids found friends. 

The next class i had was potions and Victor was in it. When he walked into class he looked for someone to sit with. I was at a table all alone waiting for the others since we all had this class. Victor noticed  i was sitting alone and came over to me. ' Umm Excuse me miss could i possible sit here?' once he finish talking my friend group walked in and took there usual seats. Draco asked what was going on and i told him. There was one seat left at the table and Victor ended up sitting with us. Grabbe and Goyal were talking to him but he keep on looking at me and it made me feel a bit uncomfortable. Draco could tell i was feeling uncomfortable and whispered in my ear ' Are you ok?' I told him how Victor kept staring at me and to try and get him to stop Draco quickly gave me a peak on the lips. 

Once class was over we had one more class and it was just Slytherins year 4 and up. Professor McGonagall was teaching us and she got Goyal to help demonstrate. It was really funny because he couldn't dance and kept on stepping on her toes. When they were done we got told to pick a partner and start practicing. Me and Draco turned to each other and nodded. As we got up some random girl came up to Draco and asked to be partners he said no. We started practicing and we were the only ones who could do it right. When we were done we headed to he library to do homework. 

Just like another night we would eat dinner and then go and hang in the common room. When me and Pansy went to bed we talked for a little but  not long and then went to bed.

Author's Note:

Sorry i haven't added a part in a while i have been really busy with school and i haven't had time to write anything. I hope you understand and i hope you like the book. 

Word Count: 862 words

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