Part Seven

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Everyone is back at school now and classes have started again. Tomorrow is my date with Draco, and I am very excited. Idk what he has planned all I know is to wear something comfy and warm. 

Currently i am sitting in Divination with Lucy and i was telling her about my date. She said, ' I was right about you falling in love.' We both just laughed, and class ended. 

Once classes were done for the day i went to the library to study. After about 20 minutes of study alone Draco came in and sat with me. He started to talk and he said, ' So tomorrow for our date meet me down in the common room a 7:00 pm.' When he said our date, a smile grew on my face and i said ok. We continued to study until we got bored and headed to the common room, were we hung out with the others. idk if they know about mine and Draco's date but i don't really care. 

We all headed to bed a bit later and i slept amazing. 

In the morning i woke up in a good mood, probably because i knew that i was going on a date. Sadly my date was at the end of the day so i had to wait. Because we had no classes today me and Pansy decided to hang out. We were talking and out of nowhere she asked ' So are you excited about your date with Draco?' 'Very' I answered back.  ' Well you are going to love it. What are you wearing?' She continued ' I don't know yet. Want to help? ' With that she smiled and nodded and we headed to our dorm room. 

By the time we were done having a fun time picking an outfit it was dinner time so we headed to the Great Hall for dinner. After dinner we headed back to our dorm and i waited in there until 7:00. While i was waiting me and Pansy were talking and she was telling me about who she liked. I have no idea who she was talking about but i wasn't really listening because i was excited. 

Once 7:00 came i headed to the common room and found Draco waiting for me with a bunch of flowers they were gorgeous. He gave me the flowers and asked 'You ready?' I nodded and we headed to the astronomy tower. Before we got to the top we stopped and he covered my eyes. Draco guided me up to the top and when we stopped he uncovered my eyes and i saw a bunch of pillows with a couple of blankets on the ground. There was also a laptop with Netflix opened. ' Do you like it?' Draco asked kinda nervous. ' I love it.' I answered. 

We both sat down and decided on something to watch. We ended up choosing The Breakfast Club. We sat on the pillows with a blanket over us as we watched the movie. Sometime will watching the movie me and Draco cuddled each other and stayed like that for the rest of the movie. Once the movie was over we both stayed in the position we were in and just laid there. It was comfortable laying in Draco's arms. While we were laying there Draco started to talk and said ' Y/n i really like you and i am guessing you feel the same because you are wrapped up in my arms.' I answered ' I do really like you Draco.' ' And that's why i am wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend?' I moved my head so i could look at Draco and instead of answering him i kissed him. We pulled apart and i said ' Does that answer your question?' ' No i think we might need to do it again' Draco said with a smirk and we moved our heads closer until our lips were touching and we kissed again. 

We headed back to our dorms a little after our kiss and when we were in the common room about to part ways Draco grabbed my hand and spun me and kissed me goodnight. When i got to my dorm, Pansy was up waiting for me and asked ' So how'd it go? Tell me all about it.' i went and sat on her bed and told her everything. Once i was done, i went and got ready for bed and said goodnight and went to sleep. 

I couldn't get to sleep that night because all i was thinking about was that i was dating Draco Malfoy.

Word Count: 782 words

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