Part Nineteen

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The next day me and Pansy decided to hang out. We sat down by the black lake, and she put some music on. I pulled out my sketch book and started drawing while we sung along with the music. Some students when they walked past gave us funny looks, but we didn't care. 

When I look at Pansy, I see that she is doing homework. I nudge her and show her my drawing since I was finished.

 I nudge her and show her my drawing since I was finished

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Your drawing

Pansy said ' Blimy since when could you draw,' I just shrugged my shoulders. Pansy grabbed my book out of my hand and ripped out the page and said ' I am keeping this.' I laughed and started drawing another picture. 

After a while of hanging out just the two of us Draco, Blaise, Grabbe and Goyal came over. They sat down with us and vibed to our music with us. We sat here all day just having fun. 

The next day we had classes and i really didn't want to go to them but i did. My first class was potions and we were working in pairs we sadly didn't get to pick our pairs and i was partnered up with Hermione. I guess there was one good thing about it. She was smart and when i ever did something bad or wrong she would take over and do it. So, i did everything bad. I ended up just sitting there thinking for the whole class. 

My next class was herbology in this class i actually had to do my work so i did but very slowly. I don't think professor sprout was happy with me for doing this though. Herbology was really boring and Neville was trying to talk to me all through the class. I was so glad when it was over because i didn't have anymore classes for the day so i went and sat in the common room. I was waiting for Draco but he had a third class so i waited for an hour. 

When Draco came into the common room he came and sat down next to me and opened his book. I ended up laying on his chest and falling asleep while he read. 

I woke up an hour and a half later when Draco shook me lightly saying ' Y/n you got to wake up dinners ready.'  When i opened my eyes i looked up and saw Draco looking down at me i reached my head up and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. 

We headed down to the Great hall and headed to our normal sits and ate. When we finished eating we stayed in the great hall for a little longer. When we got bored in the great hall we headed to the common room and hung out there.

A couple days later

Today we didn't have classes and Draco said he set something up for us so he took me to the quidditch pitch but before we got there, he put a blind fold on me. When he took the blind fold off I saw that we were in the middle of the pitch and there was a picnic blanket set up with a basket and a speaker and a couple other things. 

We both sat down and ate some food that Draco had brought. When we were done eating we played some music. A good song came on so me and Draco got up and started dancing. Before we knew it, it started raining but we didn't care so we continued to dance to the music while it was raining. 

Before the rain could get too heavy we decided to pack up and head back to the castle. When we got in the castle i was freezing and shivering. We went straight  to the common room and both went and got changed into warm clothes. we Stayed in the common room for the rest of the day playing a board game.

Authors Note: Sorry i have not updated in a while. I jut haven't had the motivation to write and its also the end of year and i have had tests and things and have been very tired. I hope you all under stand and i hope you like this part.

Word Count: 734 words

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