❝ eleven ❞

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          Richard Hardbeck was confused

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Richard Hardbeck was confused. On one hand, there was the 'angel of death'. The boys type written on paper, metalhead and extremely pretty. He hadn't ever actually spoke to her but he assumed the girls personality was like his own. To be fair, he didn't even know her name.

Then there was sweet Ophelia. An angel that roamed the street. Her brown hair that was seemingly perfect every day, her undeniably good fashion sense (that even rich couldn't deny), her big doe eyes and lips that almost always where seen in a smile. Ophelia Winters, the girl that everyone knew and loved yet also the girl who could ruin you socially if needs be.

You may be wondering where the problem lay. Rich liked them both. He wanted to get to know the mystery girl yet wanted everything and more with Ophelia. He knew what the logical reason was, to go for the girl who most matched him but he couldn't help but wonder whether he and Ophelia would rule the world together. HE couldn't help but wonder that, if asked, he would drop everything and anything for Ophelia.

After a little back and forth with himself on the way to college, Richard walked straight to the library and up to the girl working at the counter with confidence, his practice with Ophelia running through his head. Ophelia. Ophelia. Ophelia.

"hell, im Richard Hardbeck. How are you?" He spoke to the girl who looked up at him and stared blankly, shutting her book "um... okay, so what sort of music are you into? What do you like to do for fun?" still no answer "so listen, do you want to come out for a drink with me?


"okay" Rich stuttered, turning away before turning back around "no, actually, why not"

"why not?"

"yeah" rich stated

"because im too pretty for you. because your weird looking. because i can smell your pants from here. but mostly because i would rather rim the shit smeared arsehole of a dead horse with aids than even consider the possibility of touching your wiry, gangrenous, vile, inadequate, half circumcised, horrifically smelly, pubescent dick. Okay?"

The boy just nodded with a sad smile before turning around and walking off. He couldn't deny the fact that it hurt, she insulted him like there was no tomorrow and the word she spoke (even if not true) would damage many egos. It was vile and plain disrespectful

"Rich! Hey" Ophelia called as she jogged slightly to catch up with the boy. She was dressed in a long sleeved white turtleneck tucked into a cream skirt and matching boots. Her hair was pulled into half up-half down pig tails and her makeup light. Her jewellery back to gold and her hair no longer dark.


"sooo last night was fun" She smiled, the two walking side by side through the corridor

"uh... what? oh yeah, yeah fun" He nodded

"i was wondering if, um" Ophelia paused, pushing away all the nasty thought and bringing back the confidence she had when she was practicing with Grace that morning "you know, you might want to do something again some time? Cause ive got this Ballroom recital thing so i-" She passed the boy the leaflet

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