❝ twenty one ❞

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          Rich hadn't spoken to Ophelia in two days and she couldn't understand why he hadn't

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Rich hadn't spoken to Ophelia in two days and she couldn't understand why he hadn't. The last time they had spoken was when Rich texted her asking if she got home safe and she replied with a 'home safe, brought a man home with me'.

She was drunk and it had ruined everything the pair had worked up to, they liked each other. Hell, if they weren't scared they'd probably admit they where head over heels in love and she fucked it up by sleeping with an overaged man she met at a bar (who didn't know how to use any o his body parts right). Although, if it made anything better, she did think about Rich the whole time. If he would be better than her last two hook-ups. She knew he would be.

Their friends had noticed when Rich came into college and sat on the opposite end of the sofa or ignored Ophelia all together. Alo and Grace quickly managed to pull an answer from the boy, they had their assumptions, and was eager to find out that it was jealousy. Quickly formulating a plan between them to get the pair to talk again.

The following weekend, which also happened to be the weekend Ophelia's parents where away for work. The small group chat that had Rich, Ophelia, Grace, Alo and Juliet in started blowing up with texts begging to have a sleepover and movie night. Everyone, minus rich, was quick to agree. Alo had to bribe him around with a new record.

Alo's truck was parked outside when Rich arrived, assuming he was the last one over the boy knocked and the girl was quick to answer with a small smile. She was dressed in a light blue silk pyjama set and her hair was pulled into a high ponytail. On her feet where fluffy socks and she also had a blanket wrapped around her.

"run while you still can" Ophelia told the boy, Rich sent her a questioning glance when suddenly Alo pushed him inside the house and pulled the door shut "well were fucked"

"what's happening" Rich asked, going to open the door but was unsuccessful

"The others came over earlier, made sure all the doors where locked and took every single set of keys i had in this house. They've got my phone and id check my pockets if i where you because Alo probably nicked yours too" Ophelia groaned, bashing her head against the front door

"why though"

"because you've stopped talking to each other and its making everyone miserable! Ill give you your stuff as soon as you make up! or make out, that's another option" Alo called through the door

"I have a home phone" Ophelia called back

"no you dont, i disconnected it" Juliet shouted

"and dont bother trying to leave, were staying just not in the house with you"

It had been a few hours and Ophelia had fallen asleep on the sofa while rich sat watching TV on the arm chair

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It had been a few hours and Ophelia had fallen asleep on the sofa while rich sat watching TV on the arm chair. HE wasnt so much as paying attention to the programme though, his gaze settling on Ophelia as she slept. The boy would have never pictured this, his heart beating solely for a girl he wasnt even dating. For a girl that was the complete opposite to what he was used to.

"i dont think you understand how much you mean to me" Rich mumbled as he tore his gaze off the girl, running a hand down his face before going back to staring. Her breathing was steady and she looked calm, the crease of her eyebrows that would appear when she was stressed had disappeared. Baby hairs escaped from the bobble they had been trapped in. Her lips parted as she mumbled rubbish in her sleep.

Richard Hardbeck would have never thought he'd see the day when a girl meant so much to him. He could simply close his eyes and their future together would instantly come alive, he wanted to live in a house like Ophelia's except a bit smaller and cosier. A garden set up beautifully for when their friends come by, their room a deep shade of grey and had a mixture of the pairs aesthetics.

They'd have a kid or two earlier on and would be known as the cool parents. The parents who every kid looked up to and wanted to be just like. But he knew he couldn't have that, Ophelia didn't love him. She couldn't love him, he was too alternative for her. She was perfect, expected to marry into more money and have rich babies. They wouldn't work, never. They just wouldn't.

"you mean a lot to me too Rich" Ophelia smiled, her eyes fluttering open as she tilted her head to look over at the boys figure

"you um, you heard that"

"yeah, why? want to take it back now" She teased, the smile quickly falling though "why where you ignoring me"

"i dont deserve you" The boy shook his head

"that's such bullshit Richard" Ophelia exclaimed, standing up now fully awake "why the fuck were you ignoring me and dont lie"

"you slept with someone" He gritted his teeth, standing in front of the girl

"oh get a grip we aren't together! you dont get to choose whether i sleep with someone or not"

"what if i wanted us to be together and you fucked it all up" Rich spat

"i fucked it all up" The girl scoffed, now right in his face. Their noses mere centimetres from the other

"yeah" Rich nodded

"really" Ophelia tilted her head slightly, taking a step forward as Rich took one back

"yeah really" He gulped

"that's a shame really" Ophelia sighed, holding up a strong front. A determined look settled on her face. Richard was jealous which means he liked her a lot more than she thought he did which meant it was a clear shot to shoot.

"how come"

"i really wanted to kiss you" She muttered, not breaking eye contact

"do it then" The boy stated

"but i thought i fucked it all up" The girl teased making Rich groan. She chuckled slightly before launching towards him, her hands grabbing his face as their lips crashed together. His hands found her waist as they stumbled around until Rich fell down onto the arm chair. Ophelia was quick to straddle him, hand in his hair while the other toyed with the hem of his shirt. He was quick to rid the shirt and Ophelia sat back, admiring him.

"are you sure you want to?" Rich asked

"i um i just, i dont want to rush it. you know. Im sorry" Ophelia looked down, playing with the rings on her fingers

"dont apologize Phi, we'll take it slow"

"i really fucking like you Richard Hardbeck" She exclaimed, pecking his lips

"i really fucking like you too Ophelia Winters"

"i really fucking like you too Ophelia Winters"

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They're finally fucking together. I was gonna write smut but then i remembered im an inexperienced seventeen year old and it lowkey was uncomfy to write so i didn't do it. Give me ship names, give me ideas!!!!

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