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"Huh... what?" she stammers.

"Will you marry me Wise girl?" I repeat.

"But... why?" she stammers more, her face getting beat red.

I can't help but let a chuckle out. "Annabeth, we have less than a week until one or both of us die." I hold place my hands on her shoulders. "I love you, and I wanna marry you before we die." I smile looking in her eyes.

Her mouth opens but her voice breaks, the words struggle to get out, but she just nods quickly.

"That a yes?" I smile as I watch her short circuit. She nods again. "You ok?" I ask. She dives into my chest and nearly crush my ribs with a hug. I wheeze out a laugh. I look around and notice every other tribute staring at us. "Oh... uh... hey." I give a polite wave. Luke rolls his eyes and goes back to what he was doing.

Annabeth lets go of me and looks up, red eyes and snotty nose. I cant help but smile and wipe her face. "Beth I think some people wanna talk to us." I whisper and nod to the tributes waiting to great us.

"Ok I think I'm ok." She clears her throat and turns around. A few girls walk up to Annabeth and congratulate her.

A tall blonde boy with glasses walks up to me, with a pale dorky boy with shaggy hair and another tall boy with light skin and shaggy blonde hair.

"Hey congratulations." The shaggy haired kid says in a southern accent. "Oh, I'm Will, District 2 medical." He shakes my hand.

"Yeah man!" the shaggy hair kid laughs. His laugh sounds more like a goat bleat, than a laugh. "I'm Grover, District 7 Entertainment."

"I'm Jason, District 1 electricity." The boy in the glasses shakes my hand.

"Oh hey... I'm Percy, District 3 fish, and that's Annabeth." I point to her, surrounded by a group of girls.

"Oh, the black-haired girl is Thalia she's from 1." Jason says pointing.

"And that's Piper." Grover points to and brown-haired girl.

"That's Silena, she came with me." he points to another girl surrounding Annabeth.

As we talk I notice Nico standing in the background constantly stealing glances at Will.

"OK TIMES UP!" a peacekeeper shouts signaling us training is over for today.

Annabeth gets dragged away by the group of girls. Grover pull me aside.

"Hey man, do you wanna hang with us... maybe find some drinks." He winks.

"I know where we can find some." I smile.

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