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                        My boat rocks against the waves, mist splashes against my face. My eyes open and the sky filled with the light of the sunset.

"You drool when you sleep."

I lift my head up and it feels like its pounding the walls to escape.

"wha... who are you?" I rub my temples.

"I'm Annabeth, who are you?" she sticks her hand out to help me up.

I reach up and take her hand, "I'm Percy, why are you on my boat?" she sighs.

"You decide to be a moron and get yourself tased for a nobody." she sits behind the wheel.

"You're not a nobody, your Annabeth."

She sighs, "They should have kept tasing you."

I stand up and see that were close to my home. "How... what..."

"I fixed your GPS, and I followed the route called 'HOME'" she smiled smugly.

"Oh...cool...thanks." I look at my house, and my mom and little sister run to the dock.

"PERCY!" my mom reaches the dock.

I tie the boat to the dock and my little sister jumps on me hugging me.

"I was so scared Percy, where did you go!" she begins to cry with her face buried into my chest.

I hold Estelle and I step on the dock, "I got...lost..."

Annabeth jumps onto the dock, "He got tased protecting me." Estelle and mom stop and stare at the new girl.

"Who are you?" my mom asks.

"Are you his girlfriend?" Estelle asks and I pull her face back into my chest and she claws for air.

"I'm Annabeth Chase."

"Your not from here are you?" my mom asks.

"Mom! That's rude..." I give her a 'are you kidding me' look, Estelle swings her arms fighting for air.

"No, Percy it's ok. I'm from District 6, there was an accident... now it no longer exists." She looks off with a sad face.

"What did your district do?" my mom asks.

"We were scientists, and engineers. I was studying to be and engineer." She smiles again.

"Well... your welcome to live here, we don't have much room, but your welcome here. Of course, Percy will have to stay on his boat."

"What?!" I look at her letting Estelle go, and she gasps for air.

"Percy, we have two beds. Me and Estelle and Annabeth's" she looks at me.

"It's already her bed!?"

"And I'm not letting you share a bed with her... unless... you wanna share with mama." She reaches for my face putting on a kissy face.

"Ill stay on the boat..." 

"Sorry Percy." Annabeth smiles sweetly.

I pick up the flour and carry it to my...my old house.

"Percy go get some of your stuff from your old room." My mom says as she cleans up.

"I can't believe your kicking me out."

"You are fifteen it's about time you go out on your own." My mom smiles. I look at her, speechless.

"But... ugh..." I go to my room and pack some stuff.

I take my bag and step out of the house. I make my way to my boat, and Annabeth stands it.

"I'm sorry..." she looks down sheepishly.

"It's cool, I'm happy she likes you." I toss my bag onto the boat. "I am happy your staying..."

She looks at my face flushed, and quickly hugs me and runs up to the house.

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