Chapter 1

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It was like any other day in LA California. It was hot, sunny, and crowded. The streets were filled with tourists squeezing through the river of people. You could easily tell the difference between tourists and townies( which is what me and my friends call us). The tourists were usually under dressed in just bathing suits and shorts. While townies are so used to the heat that we can wear actual clothes. But on that day it was different. Everything changed dramatically. That day we had a lot of rain so none of the tourists were out to stink up the place. Shelly and I were working the afternoon shift at the piers board shop. There wasn't really anyone showing up so we worked on our own board. I worked on my skateboard while Shelly worked on her surfboard. She absolutely loved the thing. Any chance she got to show it off she would. Wether it was a surfing convention or a nice Saturday at the beach. I was never really good at surfing so I stuck to the ramps. I've been told that they're basically the same, but I don't believe it. I sat in the front of the store when two men walked into the store. One of then had a big beard and was almost too tall to fit in the store. The other one was almost as tall as me. And they were both wearing black.

"Hello, my name is Kat,how can I help you sir?" I asked directing my question to the shorter one.

"We're from the travel channel and we're doing a bit on ghosts that are disturbed by natural disasters," the short one said. I looked up at the tall one with a confused look.

"We're taping ghosts that woke up from tsunamis and stuff," he said bluntly. My ears perked up at the word "ghosts" and I amedietly got interested. Apparently the short one noticed.

"Aaah, you're a fan of the paranormal aren't you? That must mean you've seen our show," he said.

I've never seen you on tv, sorry," I say non chaluntly. They both look at me with open mouths. Suddenly another man ran into the store wearing black. He was extremely tab for being a tourist. I could tell because no one who lives in LA wears that much black. He looked at me and I almost gasped. His eyes were so blue they looked like drops of the ocean. I was so mesmerized I didn't even hear what he said.

"I sorry, what did you say?" I asked.

"My name is Zach, this is Nick and Aaron. We're from the show Ghost Adventures on the travel channel," he says proudly.

"I'm sorry, I've never seen that show before," I say morally. Zach looks at Nick and Aaron and his jaw drops. I hear Shelly walk out from the back with her board banging against everything.

"Who are these guys?" She asks.

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