Chapter 3

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"Why didn't you tell me about this Kat?" I ask angrily.

"I'm sorry Shell, I didn't want to worry you," Kat said quietly. She looked at me with apologetic eyes and I couldn't help but smile back.

"You know I'll always worry about you, but I can't be mad," I sigh.

"When did this happen?" Zach asks panicked. I notice that all of the guys are nervous about this too. What could this possibly mean to them?

"About a week ago when me and some friends went to the old lighthouse. We um, we're just hanging out, and um, something attacked us. We left like right after that, but like, something was wrong. So I like went to the um, bathroom at the bar across the street and saw the marks," Kat lies. I know her well enough to know that she sucks at lying, and that she says like a lot when she lies. I can tell that none of the guys understand what's going on, so I politely yank Kat away from the group and talk to her.

"What really happened?" I ask bluntly. She looks at me with fear in her eyes and I know that whatever happened still has her spooked. But why won't she tell me anything? What did I do wrong?

"You didn't do anything wrong okay?" She says as if she read my mind.

"But why won't you tell me anything anymore? I remember when we were really close. Now it seems like since the accident you don't even want to be around me," I say.

"Look Shell, I'm sorry that you feel this way, but I'm not sure how to even handle anything right now. Yeah maybe I haven't talked to you about things but its not what you did, it's what I did. One day I'll have the guts to tell you, but today is not that day," she says sincerely. She wraps her arms around me and I can feel her shaking.

"Kat! Can you come here?" Zach yells.

"Go back to the boys, I'm gonna go home and finish my paper, text me?" I say. Kat nods. She runs off to the boys and I sigh with relief. Thank god! Now I get to get away from all the crazy. I never thought I'd be so happy to write a paper in my life! Thank you weekend homework.


I never thought we'd have to hear that awful name again, and now it's etched into the back of a girl we just met. How could she have had that happen to her and have never seen our show? Something isn't right here, but I just can't figure out what it is yet.

"What's up?" Kat asks walking up to us.

"Okay this is going to sound crazy, but have you ever been to a place called Bobby Mackeys Music World?" Nick asks nervously.

"Yeah, I went there for my birthday. I heard some guys from tv went there," she says looking stud funny, " ooh, that was you guys hu?"

"Yeah," Zach says.

"Why did you go there for your birthday?" I ask.

"You know, being a spook and all, it was something I wanted to do. I had heard it was crazy haunted so I wanted to scope it out," she says bluntly.

"Did anything weird happen there?" Nick asks quickly.

"Yeah, it was towards the end of the investigation when we were packing up that I had heard some banging around by the stage. When I got there I saw this big x etched into the wall with the name Bagans underneath it. But I didn't understand it so I didn't tell anybody," she says. I look over at Zach and can see him shaking. Kat notices too.

"Hey, what's wrong? Do you know that name?" She asks cluelessly.

"Yeah, it's my last name," Zach stutters starting to lose balance. He sits down on the ground putting his head in his hands.

"What happened to you there?" I ask. Aaron and Nick give me a look that tells me to keep my mouth shut. I don't listen. I sit down in from of Zach and take his hands. They're so strong and rough but they shake like a leaf when I hold them. He looks up at me and I can see the same fear I felt when I went.

" I-I was scratched," he says pulling up a picture of it on his phone. There's big scratches down his whole back and I can tell that this is hard for him. It's weird to see such a big and strong man fall from some scratches. Granted I did the same thing, but he's tougher than me.

"Can I ask you something?" I say already not caring what his answers. He nods his head.

"What made you guys want to do this? What made you want to be ghost hunters?" I ask.

"I've always been passionate about the paranormal. The first time I saw a ghost face to face was when I decided I wanted to start an investigation crew with my two best friends," he answers automatically.

"Then I want to go on your investigation with you," I blurt out. I wasn't going to push myself into it, I was planning on asking him privately and seeing what he had to say. It just came out before I could think about it. The guys look at each other then back at me.

"Sure," Nick answers, "you already have the marks."

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