Chapter 9

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When I woke up in the morning I found myself in a room I didn't go to bed in. Then I remember that last night Kat let me sleep with her. I get up out of bed and stretch, my joints cracking and loosening. I walk downstairs and my head begins to pound. I've had hangovers before, but this one seems to be one of the worst. I step into the kitchen holding my head.

"Hey Kat, where's the aspirin?" I say. I look over at the table and find Kat siting down with a cup of coffee and a bubbling glass across from her.

"Already ahead of you," she says with a smile. I sit down and throw down the glass in one gulp.

"Please don't tell Shelly about last night. I don't want her to know that I had another nightmare," Kat says quickly. I look at with confusion in my eyes.

"I told her a while ago that they had stopped because she would stay up every night next to me to wake me up when they started. She was constantly tired and she even fell asleep driving once. I couldn't bare to see her like that again," she explains.

"You're secret's safe with me," I say pretending to lock my lips. The guys walk in the kitchen and plop our equipment on the table.

"We're ready to go. Zach, go change and hurry out to the van," Aaron orders.

"Yes sir," I say saluting. I walk up the stairs and get my change of clothes I put in the bathroom with Nick and Aaron's stuff. I run down the stairs and out the door and I to the van. I sit in the back and we drive to the lighthouse.

In no time at all we get to the lighthouse. Driving was actually ridiculous because it was in just walking distance, but Aaron wanted our stuff on hand. As we get out of the car I can feel a dark presence around us. Weird, we're not even in the place and it has that creepy feeling.

"Zach! Grab a suitcase!" Aaron yells from the back of the van. I grab a suitcase of equipment and lug to the house attached to the lighthouse. We put out stuff on the table. Aaron pulls his camera out, and we begin. For a while I talk about the history and the background of the place. I talk about the tsunamis and natural disasters and we head out to the board walk to interview people. One man with blue hair tells us about seeing a ghost in the middle of the road get hit by a car. Another guy tells us about a "phantom surfer" that shows up at the beach every once in a while. A little girl even comes up and talks to us, even though its mostly about fish and sea shells and not paranormal activity. This goes on for at least an hour before we decide to go back to the lighthouse and start the investigation. We start with a before lockdown Eco session. Nick holds the recorder as we go around the room asking questions. It gets to me and I ask if they died in the house. When we play it back a faint whisper comes up that says "you will too."

"Did you hear that?" Aaron says excitedly.

"Did it just say "you will too?" Kat asks a little spooked.

"Did you just say 'you will too'?" I yell. We play the recorder and we all hear a distinct yes come through.

"Did you hear that? That was a class A intelligent EVP," I say into the camera. Suddenly I hear a loud bang come from the top of the lighthouse stairs.


Sorry it's so short. I really don't have an excuse as to why, I just didn't write so much for this one. Deal with it.

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