Alex's POV

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My phone beeped a few minutes after I texted Jonathan. I clicked on my messages and under Jonathan's name read a chilling message:

 "Get  out of school. Now."

I felt my hands start to shake. Why did he want us to leave school?

"Alex! Are you listening to me?"  He roughly shook my shoulder, I looked into his greenish-blue eyes; glancing at the message again, I shoved the phone into his clammy hand. I quickly bent over to pick up my faded red rucksack from the floor and crumpled all of my work on the desk into it. My phone was back on my desk by the time I had zipped it back up.

"What the fuck is going on?" Cody said, his voice was shaky with panic. "Call him now."

I obeyed Cody's orders and picked my phone back up and held it to my ear. It didn't ring. I tried twice more, still no luck. I could feel my heart pumping in my chest as I tried a final time; it went straight to voicemail. "Okay this is wrong, his phone is never off. Cody, get your stuff together, we're leaving." I said quietly so he couldn't sense the panic that was quickly rising in my voice. We silently walked towards the door; I don't think anyone noticed we left because the noise level remained the same.

I shut the door behind me as we walked onto the cold corridor. "We have to check on him dude, this isn't right." I slowly walked up to the other class's door, Cody tagging along behind me.

"That's strange, it's gone really quiet in there, I can only hear our class." Cody said to me, I only nodded my agreement.

I peered into the class room and I felt my breakfast rise out of my stomach.

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