Distasteful Visitors

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"Any stress? It could be minor stress, perhaps work or maybe your love life?"


"Anything significant about today? Perhaps an anniversary of someone's passing?"


"Have you felt this pain before at all?"


"Family history?"


The senior doctor nodded, flicking through the test results. Saihara sighed and stared at the ceiling, the incessant electrocardiogram's beeping slowly driving him insane. "We can't see any heart abnormalities, our tests show that you're healthy and you haven't had a heart attack."

Rolling his eyes, Saihara sat up and winced as the stickers plastered over his torso stretched his skin. "Great, does that mean I can leave?" He hated all of this attention and fussing over nothing, but Akamatsu insisted he should find out if he'd had a heart attack.

"Yes, but if this happens again please come back or call for an ambulance immediately."

"Yep, will do." He wouldn't, Saihara just wanted to leave. The doctor handed Saihara his discharge papers and results before leaving. Ripping the stickers and wires from his body, Saihara shrugged his jumper over his shoulders after removing the itchy hospital gown.

The women walked out beside Saihara after gathering their belongings. Akamatsu seemed to be in a cheerful mood. She spent the past few hours fussing over her friend, worrying about every possible outcome (mainly the negative ones). Now, for him to be given a clean bill of health, she seemed to have less weight on her shoulders and a smile on her lips.

They reached Harukawa's car and began the nighttime drive home. As he found out from Akamatsu, Harukawa drove the two to the park when Ouma went to them for help. It was magic that they happened to be having a sleepover, something that became a bi-yearly tradition for childhood friends. Saihara never understood why you'd want to go to someone's house just to sleep and then leave the next morning.

Akamatsu grabbed Saihara's hand, the two sitting in the back seat. "Maybe you just had a panic attack, as Ouma mentioned?"

"Hm, maybe," Saihara mumbled. He stared out of the car window, watching buildings and vehicles zip past them. A strange thought flashed through his mind, one he'd never had before, nor cared about in the slightest. "Hey, was Ouma... worried?"

"No, he was annoying," Harukawa muttered from the driver's seat.

"I think he was worried! In his own, special way!" Akamatsu corrected the brunette before turning to Saihara. "Why do you ask?"

Saihara hummed, leaning back in the seat and gently scrubbing his skin where sticky residue remained beneath his jacket. "I think we fought."

"Explain what happened," Akamatsu begged. Saihara nodded and did as she asked, seeing no harm in entertaining her during the tedious car ride.

Akamatsu's expressions varied as he explained before she sighed and bowed her head. "That's when my chest started hurting..." Saihara finished. The pianist made eye contact with Harukawa in the rearview mirror and they shared a smirk. It looked odd on Harukawa, something she rarely did unless the two had been talking about something behind his back. He raised an eye as Akamatsu shook his hand and began giggling. "What?"

Turning back to the man again, she tilted her head. "What do you know about love?"

Saihara shrugged and raised an eyebrow. Why did she want to ask about emotions? Well, he never talked to friends about emotions since it made him feel broken, so it made sense that she didn't know what he understood. "Nothing except that it seems stupid," he mumbled. There was also the fact that he longed to love someone, but he'd rather kill Akamatsu than admit that to her.

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