A Killer's Identity is His Best-Kept Secret

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Saihara raced to his home and came to a stop before his boss. "Kirigiri? Why are you here?" He asked, slipping his hands into his pockets.

"Ah, hello Saihara, I tried to call you but you haven't been responding." Saihara sighed and nodded.

"Sorry, I left it at home," he muttered. He always did when committing murder, just in case he needed to provide an alibi. It was shaky, but no one would suspect the detective in charge of the Tokyo Terminator case. Besides, when he took it out with him and Ouma was around, the ghost drained it within an hour.


Turning around, Saihara noticed Ouma running towards him with a pout on his face. His sleeve covered his hand that was held to his chest and- Wait, was that blood on his shirt? "Don't run away like that again!" Ouma whined. "Otherwise, I'll start to think you're abandoning me!"

Kirigiri glanced at the intruder with brief concern. "Hello, are you Saihara's boyfriend?"

"What?!" Saihara shouted with wide eyes. He furrowed his brows, hoping that his glare would take away from the slight blush forming. "No!"

"We're roommates!" Ouma cheered with a wide grin.

Kirigiri raised an eyebrow at Saihara. "He moved in last week," Saihara lied.

"Yep! My parents kicked me out and my beloved Saihara-Chan here just begged me to live with him!"


"Fine, maybe he didn't exactly beg."

Saihara shot the ghost a glare, daring him to create more problems in front of his fucking boss of all people. Oh, right, his boss was in front of his house. "How long have you been here, Kirigiri? What did you need?"

"Only two minutes." Her eyes analysed the two men's bodies. "Why do you two have blood on you?"

"I cut my hand really really bad!" Ouma cried. He sniffled and clutched his sleeve-covered hand tighter to his chest. "I'd show you, but it's a little icky!" As quickly as he began crying, Ouma started giggling. "I'm sure you'll faint, Ms Detective! Have you ever heard of the knife game?! It's so fun, but my beloved Saihara-Chan here freaked out when I nicked my finger so he used his shirt to clean me up!" Wrapping his 'uninjured' arm around Saihara's, Ouma gazed up at him like a lover. "He's so amazing~!"

"That's a lot of blood for a finger nick." Kirigiri crossed her arms, staring at the two with an unimpressed stare. Saihara only bowed his head and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Yep! Who knows, I am a liar after all!" 

Kirigiri's lilac eyes narrowed but she focused on Saihara rather than the annoying guest beside him. "Back to the reason that I'm here. I'm sorry to inform you of this, but there's been an incident involving your parents."

Saihara raised an eyebrow. "Go on."

"Perhaps you'd like to speak without Ouma here?" She turned to the secret ghost. "No offence, Ouma."

"None taken!"

"Anything you say to me can be said in front of him," Saihara snapped. He wanted to include Ouma in everything now, the two should stick together all the time. Hopefully, that would help them get even closer... Thinking about it, maybe he was acting a little suspicious. The detective knew protocols, he shouldn't go against them. "Frankly, Ouma, maybe you should take care of your hand."

Ouma whined as Saihara unlocked the front door, staring the ghost down until he shuffled inside like a child banished to the naughty corner. When the door shut, Kirigiri's demeanour relaxed. "I'm not here as your boss, but as an unbiased detective."

"Whatever Iruma said I did, I didn't," Saihara joked with a soft smile. Kirigiri returned his smile.

"I'm here to inform you of a possible passing. You might know the victims so I'd like to ask you to identify them."

Saihara raised an eyebrow. He put the pieces together after Kirigiri's earlier comment, but maybe he should confirm... "Who are the victims?"

"Your parents."

-ˋˏ *.·:·.⟐.·:·.* ˎˊ-

Even Saihara's eyes widened at the gruesome scene before him. When Kirigiri told him his parents could be dead, he expected it to be a robbery gone wrong or maybe even a freak accident, but what the fuck was this?

His parents were decapitated, bodies naked and littered with so many stab wounds that it represented a tiger attack. The wounds were deep, so deep that they severed through the bodies. Saihara's mum had her hands crushed so badly that nothing but bone and tendon fragments remained. Internal organs from his father littered the room, the smell sickening enough that almost every detective on the scene needed a mask. Nails pinned his mother's ankles to the wall, blood draining from her neck and creating a puddle on the ground. In matching fashion, Saihara's father had nails embedded in his jaw from the inside of his mouth.

"These..." Saihara gulped. God, he wasn't prepared for this in the slightest. Even he didn't do this much. "Yes, these are my parents."

Kirigiri sighed, placing a hand on her subordinate's shoulder. "I'm sorry for your loss."

"Whatever," the man scoffed. "I didn't like them." A few unfamiliar detectives turned to the man and frowned.

The lilac-haired woman nodded. "I see. If this doesn't affect you, would you prefer to help investigate?"

"That won't be happening." Saihara rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, pissed off at whoever decided to intrude on their conversation. A man with spiky brown hair approached, Saihara wondered if that spike atop his head would stab someone.

"Why not?" Kirigiri challenged. "I trust him, Hinata. You have my word that he wouldn't do this." Now, for once, Saihara could agree that he hadn't committed a murder. It was a little strange to investigate a murder he didn't execute.

"He's too calm for someone who lost his parents," Hinata frowned. He refused to remove his olive and red eyes from the bluenette. "Scratch that, even some of my detectives left here crying and vomiting."

"They're weak," Saihara scoffed. Yes, the scene made him slightly nauseous, but he'd never show imperfection in front of colleagues and other detective agencies.

"You're not helping your case, Saihara," Kirigiri reprimanded. He only rolled his eyes. "Can I explain?" He glanced between her and Hinata, who seemed like he wanted to kill him. Was this man stable enough to be a detective? Saihara shouldn't judge, not with his double life. The bluenette didn't care who knew about his issues, just as long as they didn't know the details. Kirigiri knew not to share anything about his personal history.

"If it stops me from sitting in a cell for a year to be interrogated, then yeah," he muttered. Saihara ignored the staring from other detectives who thought they were being slick.

"Saihara suffers from non-specific emotional issues. He doesn't feel anything for people he's not attached to," Kirigiri explained. 

The bluenette continued to glare at Hinata, daring him to challenge them further. "My parents are pretty much strangers to me. Right now, I don't care that they're dead." Other detectives frowned at each other, whispering amongst themselves while stealing glances at Saihara.

Before Hinata could speak, Kirigiri turned her body to Saihara. "Hinata's agency will be taking this case. He'll contact you when he wants to interrogate you."

"Whatever, I'm leaving then." Saihara turned to leave before a gloved hand grabbed his shoulder.

"Let me drive you home."

"No one else will."

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