For Better, or Worse?

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"You... What the fuck..." Saihara stared at the ghost with his mouth agape in awe. "When- Why- How did you even-"

 "Woah there, calm down Dexter. One question at a time!" Ouma grinned, rocking back and forth as if sitting on a swing.

Saihara took a deep breath. It didn't cross his mind that Ouma would kill his parents, but now it seemed as obvious as the moon in a starless sky. He felt a slight anger begin to bubble away in his stomach. "First question was when," he sneered.

"Do you have brain damage?!" Ouma cackled. His puerile grin vastly contrasted the malevolent gaze in his eyes. "You know when!"

Right, that was - admittedly - a dumb question. "Second question is why."

Ouma groaned and flopped backward as if lying on a bed. "To avenge you," he muttered whilst staring at the ceiling. "No one deserves to be hated by their parents..." Saihara frowned as the man trailed off, taking a heavy breath as if to say more. The ghost turned to Saihara to see him sitting patiently and sighed. "Okay, fine! I have another motive too, but we can talk about that later! Third question!"


"Well first I slipped sleeping meds into their food so I could tie them up easily-"

"No, I don't mean how you did it, I mean... How did you manage to do it? Like, how'd you known their address and their routine? These things take a lot of planning." Even though Ouma's method was something he planned to mimic and try for himself, Saihara didn't need to know the details.

"Whenever you went to sleep like a weak little human, I stalked your parents!" Ouma giggled as if he and Saihara were gossiping about schoolgirls. "I memorised their routines and planned from there! Easy peasy!" No, not easy peasy. Saihara knew how difficult it could be, especially when you had unpredictable victims with a constantly changing routine.

Saihara frowned as he thought about the time and effort Ouma went through to kill (perhaps torture is the more suitable phrase) his parents. His stomach churned a potion of anger, betrayal and despair.

Ouma floated to the bed and shuffled closer to his friend and tilted his head. "Are you upset about me killing your parents?" He leaned closer when Saihara bowed his head. "I thought you wanted that, Saihara-Chan! Here I was thinking you'd be on your knees already!"

Pouting, Saihara crossed his arm and turned his head to the side, wanting to avoid eye contact. "I kind of wanted to kill them," he mumbled.

"This is where my plan comes in!" Ouma jumped into the air, making the bed bounce slightly.

Saihara frowned and turned toward the other. "Are you supposed to announce that?"

"Hmm, probably not!" Ouma's body solidified, making him drop to the bed and bounce a few times to which he giggled. Without warning, his grin vanished and a solemn expression took its place. "Look, since I killed your parents, now it's only fair that you can kill mine!"

"Why would I kill them?" Saihara raised an eyebrow. He would never kill an innocent person, they didn't deserve punishment, not like the punishment they received when a judge let a criminal walk free.

Ouma grabbed Saihara's hand, pulling him closer. The aura darkened around them, one that threatened anyone who'd dare smile. "I don't trust anyone else with this, I don't even want anyone to know about it, but Saihara, I trust you with what's left of my soul." Saihara's heart fluttered but he ignored it. "Remember what I told you about freeing ghosts?" He nodded. To free a ghost, the killer must die. "Free me. Kill my parents and let me be reborn, please! It's selfish, I know, but I can't handle much longer of this boring hell!"

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