The Vote

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        Oliver stares at the rest of the Olympians, his heart in his throat. Of course, the first day he's back in nearly two weeks, they hold a meeting where he's brought to the center of attention. He squirms in his chair, wishing he could shrink and disappear. Of course, as a god, he probably could - but he knows now isn't the time. He takes a deep breath, glancing at the girl that apparently called the meeting.

Melody, the apprentice Hecate. There's a sort of excitement in the back of Oliver's mind, now that he can finally put a face to the name. At the end of the rebellion, before Zeus sent him to the other various Pantheons to smooth things over, Kayla had told him about the local Grecian rule breaker. He had been hoping to seek her out, but this is probably the worst way it could have happened.

"Hermes," Zeus says, his voice like rolling thunder in the silence. "Tell me, what do you think of this ridiculous idea? This new treaty?" He spits the words, clearly unhappy to even consider it. Oliver looks at Melody again, taking her in. She has curly hair that's obviously dyed bright red, a rounded face, and a pointed chin. She has a pale complexion that brings out her bright blue eyes. She's wearing a long brown skirt that reaches to the floor, with a peach-coloured button-up shirt. But more than her appearance, Oliver finds himself examining her for her actions. He couldn't imagine facing down Zeus on his own the way she has. She's even going so far as to yell at him, the head Olympian, seemingly without fear. He clears his throat, but when he speaks, his voice still comes out in a choked squeak.

"I's necessary," Oliver says, shrinking into himself when he turns back to Zeus. "I spoke to Marcus, and I...I can't say he was wrong either." Zeus rolls his eyes, and Melody seems to sway on the spot, a look of relief washing over her face.

"I don't believe this-" Zeus groans to himself. Tia leans forward on her throne, lacing her fingers together with a confident grin.

"Would you be able to explain his sentiment for us, then?" She says calmly. "As the person who faced him, you should know better than anyone about his goals." Oliver squeezes his eyes shut, remembering the night of the rebellion. It's still fresh in his mind, despite the centuries of memories he received when he became Hermes. It was easily the most terrifying, horrible night of his life.

"Marcus believed that, in reliving the legends of the original gods, we were being robbed of who we are," Oliver says, choosing his words as carefully as possible. He opens his eyes, doing his best to not look at Zeus. "He tried to convince me to join him, and a lot of what he said made sense. Honestly..." He stops, his throat tightening against his will. His eyes drift to Zeus, his cold, deadly stare making Oliver flinch. He rubs his thumb on the smooth metal of Caduceus, one of the few comforts he has on Mount Olympus.

"Speak your mind, Oliver," Tia says, grinning at Melody. "You wouldn't be the first." Oliver nods, staring at his reflection in the head of his staff. He grips it tightly, swallowing his fear.

"W-well...I might have agreed if he hadn't hurt so many people." Oliver says, his voice a whisper. "I mean, he had the previous Hermes killed. He almost caused Ragna-" He snaps his mouth closed, his shoulders squeezing in on his neck. "I-I mean, the end of the world." He glances at Zeus, whose cold stare hasn't changed. Oliver looks at the floor again and continues.

"But, before that, I...I thought something was wrong too. I met so many people that weren't happy with the way things are." His eyes flick to Kayla and Lucas, remembering their first meeting. How they both admitted that they were unhappy with what they had to do, but had to do them for their godhood. He looks at Julien next, remembering how in love he was with Akari, a god from the Shinto. And most of all he remembers Emelia, his girlfriend, who would have been forced to marry a violent, abusive boy to achieve her godhood.

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