Akari's Decision

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        As Hinata and Koji lead them across the farm, to the furthest building, Melody can't help but shiver. She walks so close to Marcus that their shoulders bump with every step. When he steps out of her way, she follows. It's like she can feel hundreds of eyes on her back - or rather, on Marcus's back. Fujin and Raijin could be anywhere. What if they recognize him? Would they just attack without warning? Her heart racing, she takes his hand, squeezing his fingers for support. Anything that will let her know he's still there.

"It's okay," Marcus whispers, slowing his pace. He lets Hinata and Koji get a few feet away before speaking again. "If they come after me, I'll handle it."

"I don't care if you think you can handle it, I don't want you fighting them at all," Melody says stiffly. "What are we going to do? If Hinata and Haruto are telling the truth, they plan to kill you!"

"We can't worry about that right now," Marcus says, his voice annoyingly calm. Melody's losing her mind with worry, and it's as if he thinks they're talking about the weather. "If things are really this bad, then we need to deal with Amaterasu first. If we can get her to step in, she may be able to call them off." Melody nods slowly, relaxing a bit when he laces his fingers with hers. A fly buzzes around her ear, but she tunes it out, focusing on their conversation.

"I hadn't considered that," She admits sheepishly. "Do you think they would listen to her?"

"I have no idea, but right now it's all I can come up with. If they don't, or we can't convince her to come out, then I'll have to figure out something else." He sets his jaw and scowls at himself. "You're the diplomatic one, so you focus on Amaterasu. I'll think of something for Fujin." Melody's eyes sink to the ground sadly. She still feels so exposed, even though she's not the one they're after. Obviously, if they go after Marcus, she will have to step in to help. But that may end up making things worse.

"We're here," Hinata says, drawing Melody out of her thoughts. She meets Hinata's eye, her face suddenly heating up. She rips her hand out of Marcus's, trying to look casual. Hinata giggles innocently, gesturing to the large building before them. "This is the home of most of the major Kami. Amaterasu, Hachiman, Ninigi, Takemikazuchi. Everyone that's still here is probably inside."

"What are we waiting for then?" Koji says, stepping past her and throwing the door open. Just like the other farmhouse, the windows show nothing of the interior, and once they're inside it looks far bigger than it did on the outside. Long corridors with even more vibrant gardens, beams of light shining through long slits in the ceiling. Melody waits for Marcus to go first, then follows close on his heels.

"I'm afraid I can't come in with you. Since I'm taking on Akari's responsibilities, I have to get back." Hinata explains, bowing to them politely.

"It's fine, I know the way," Koji assures. He leads Marcus and Melody into the building, which is set up like a temple. "Before we get there, I should probably explain the whole sister thing," Koji adds as he guides them through a maze of identical hallways. "Akari is my half-sister. From what she told me, she became a goddess around 20 years ago. Her father died, but she stayed in contact with our mom."

"I thought you had to give up your mortal connections when you became a god?" Marcus snorts. Melody elbows him in the ribs, finally relaxing now that they're back inside.

"Akari's a little...different. She likes rules that make sense, but she told me she hates ones that don't. So, she ignores them."

"My kind of girl," Melody says with a grin.

"Our mom met my dad when he was in Japan on a business trip, and she decided to move to Canada with him just before I was born. I grew up hearing stories of my older sister, the goddess. Of course, my mom thinks it's just an inside joke they share. She told me Akari's actually an electrician. No idea where that came from."

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