Chapter 11

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My dad was so angry, I couldn't believe this happened, it never happened before, this is the first time we experience this. We went to look for her and we weren't successful

"this is madness! " dad

"ay let me just go and clear my mind,I'll take your car baba" I went to the garage and off I went, I was driving so slow trying to ease my mind admiring the beauty of this place, next thing I see Thingo on the side of the road

"Thingo!" Me

She wasn't speaking, I thought she was dead for a minute

"kodwa MaSengwayo why are you doing
this to yourself" Me

I carried her to the car

"ngibulale ke Mvelo!! " Thingo (kill me)

My heart stopped for a minute, what the

"angizwa" Me (pardon)

She kept quiet, I didn't know what to say, I just carried on driving to the house. I see Qaphelani's car I guess my brothers have arrived

"Hlase I found her" Me

"sibonge ndodana (thank you son) bring her here" Qalumuzi

Thingo just looked at me and she didn't say anything, I think she's accepted it, I carried her to the big rondavel my brothers were there, my uncles and aunts the whole family was there, this was big to everyone, it meant something to everyone, izinyembezi zazehlela kumina (tears went down my checks) , I was so scared, I was in love with her and I was about to lose her just like that. Ubaba washisa impepho before carrying the ceremony since the clock was about to hit 2:00,its usually done at 00:00

"zidalwa zethu, nina niya-" Qalumuzi

"let her join the family, allow her to carry the ceremonies with you but don't kill her, you'll lose everything idlozi lakhe linamandla -Ntando

Qaphelani: yebo kanjalo mkhulu

Qaphelani's voice changed, you could tell that he wasn't the one speaking. My family was shocked by this they couldn't believe it, there were small conversations in the rondavel everyone was whispering

"yabona ke bhuti!" (see!) this is aunt Grace she doesn't support this tradition and she makes it obvious, I still don't get why she's still here because Zakithi, Britney and that idiot called my brother left

Qaphelani : (groaning) mkhulu sikuzwa kahle (we hear you)

"what's going on Qaphelani?" my dad asking

Qaphelani : she has abalozi just like Ntandokayise, but she can't understand the message behind them if she can understand her whistles that's an advantage for us since our grandparents died in the river, if she has abalozi basemanzini she can communicate with them for us. Thingolwenkosazane must marry someone from this household but the person she should marry is left unknown.

Another false information was released in the Khoza household, to hide the truth that Qalumuzi's father wanted to execute in the Zungu family. Qalumuzi knew the truth but he thought that killing Thingo will bring peace forever and him and his sons will stop killing maidens. Qaphelani and Lunga knew the reason behind the killing of the maidens, it was a search for a lady named Nomkhitha. Not to sacrifice people.
Ntando was told that that's the tradition but the truth is that it's not a tradition.

I've never been so happy in my life, tears just came down, I knew that this was my wife, I decided to stand and I take Thingo with me

"asambe ngikutholele indawo yokulala" Mvelo (let me get you a place to sleep)

"I wanna shower and sleep" Thingo

"khululeka stwerk.a I'll organize everything for you" Me

You could tell that she's fed up, the time  was 2:30 and the amazing things were only beginning.

I appreciate everyone who was able to get this far on "Zimpande Zamathonga"

Things are about to take a sharp curve.

Stay tuned for more from Thingolwenkosazane.

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