Sexy Things Wakey Wakey

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Hello! I'm back! You miss me. 😏

Too much?

Sorry, Sorry. Just poking some fun. I have been so bored lately. I just found out this story has 5.29k reads and 243 votes on this story. Awesome! I love you all who read this. I hope you enjoy this update!
(Also I made a typo in the last update. I meant chapters 429 and 430)

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Lucy's Pov

Ugh, finally my head has landed back to Earthland. I see what is in fact the ceiling and not the floor. Thank The Lord, I feel like that time Juvia, Levy and me went up against The Drinker Cana. That was a fucked up night, this comes a close second. I slowly began to get up and take a better look around with my eyeballs hopefully being able to actually see straight.

I see levy across from me on a couch and Juvia is sitting in an lazy chair limb as a doll. Poor Juvia, she is going be a sore pain in the ass for us when she wakes up. I hope those jackasses like her in a bad mood. She is going to bitch about this until the day I die. Dammit, I am in no mood to deal with that bitch when she gets up.

I continue to hear male voices nearby, but all I see is a brick wall.

Levy's Pov

"Ohh ahh ahh ow ow owwie" My poor head is pounding on my skull like a bunch of Mexican Jumping Beans. I began rubbing my head, removing my glasses, then start rubbing my eyes. The room no longer seems to spin, Thank God. I think this is almost as bad as when Juvia convince Lucy and me to go against Cana in a drinking contest. Of course Cana won, all three of us ended up on the bar floor the entire night. My poor mother was so worried that she called the police to search for me. I don't know what she will do when she finds out we've been kidnapped. She'll be hysterical!! God save me. I knew they were no good!! Why did this happen?! Why me?! Why me?!

"Ack!" Where is Lucy and Juvia?

I turn my head and lowered my glasses back down. Oh Thank God Lucy is alright on the couch opposite of me and Juvia seems okay in that chair behind me. Where are we? It smells like booze, cigarette smoke, and pool chalk in this place. I see a counter and some stools, and I hear pool sticks hitting some pool balls. This place must be some abandoned bar that the city shut downed or possibly an underground bar. Oh God that would be bad to be stuck underground with gangsters with no way out. Who knows how many of them are here. There could be 50 men watching over us. Why do they want with us?

I began to shake in fear.

Juvia's Pov

Juvia's head feels like a shit ton of bricks landed on Juvia. Juvia appears to be sitting on some tacky plaid chair. Juvia's arms feel numb and Juvia's eyes are tired. It's all because of those stupid idiots knocking us out with that stupid damn cloth. Juvia is going to kill Blonde when she wakes up and give her a piece of Juvia's mind. Why did we listen to that sweet talking, low brow jackass?!! This headache is almost as bad as the time Juvia thought one of us could beat that damn alcoholic brunette Cana. At least the floor was better than this stupid chair when we passed out. What the hell do this idiots want from us anyway? Sure are damn parents are loaded, but Juvia's sure that these clowns could easily blackmail them with some dirt or threaten their lives for cash, so why did they take us? Someone must be pulling the strings for these jackasses and Juvia wants to know who. I see Blonde finally moving up like she just came out of her grave. Levy seems to be trembling like a leaf on a windy day.

"You guys awake? I asked not really expecting a response.

"I'm I'm fi-fine" Levy practically whispered a stuttering reply

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