The Parents are Freaking Out!

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Hello! Hope you guys are happy to get a new chapter. Consider this like a late Christmas present. This will knock your socks off.


We have last left off with a tragic story of Gray's past and Juvia's depression tendencies of suicidal thoughts. Gray has complete determination to not let her make a mistake that would cost her, her life.
We will start the program in the lovely Heartfillia home with a restless father unable to sleep.

Mr. Heartfillia Pov

As the sun has long ago set and my office still becomes darker. The only sources of light I have on is my desk lamp and a burning fire. My nerves are tense waiting for the phone to ring. I know she's my grown up little girl, but she should have at least remembered to call. I know in the past I had problems after losing my wife and took it out on her for it. I have tried my hardest to make it up to her. The guilt seems to be hitting me again. I take a sip from my glass of scotch. I tend to hide my drinks in my private office safe for when Lucy is around. Can't have her thinking I'm getting drunk like I use to. I've been good about now. 

Sigh "She is just being forgetful. She might not have even heard me when she started the car." I said to myself reassuring that nothing was wrong. "She is probably using my credit card to buy some new shoes and a day long spa treatment for her and her friends."

I chuckle to myself thinking everything was okay until RING RING RING

I reach for my desk phone hoping it was Lucy and not some idiot salesman trying to ruin my night.

"Hello" I said

"Hello, this is Levy's mother Mia. I know it is quite late, but have you heard from your daughter? I told my girl to call me as soon as she got to the hotel and she hasn't even left a message for any of the staff if she did call when my husband and me left the house." The worried mother panicking over the line said. Her worried tone was making me worry about Lucy.

"I haven't heard from my daughter either. Maybe they will call us tomorrow morning, they might have gotten in late and it slipped their minds." I tried to reassured her with the same excuse I gave myself.

"I don't know if you are thinking right. My daughter does not forget things like calling her mother. I don't know if that's normal in your house hold, but I care to know where she is."

"Now what is that suppose to mean." I growled

"Well after reading all the stories my daughter writes about her new friends, your daughter doesn't act much like a proper lady."


"Your daughter is a drunken swinger that patrols around in those underground sinner holes practically in her underwear along with some other drunken hooligan of a girl. I didn't say anything before because she was a nice girl, but I think your foosie of a daughter got my daughter stuck in some hell hole." She bellowed

"If my daughter's a damn swinger and the other girl a hooligan then your daughter must be the slut of the group. Every group has that one skank that acts like a goodie two shoes, but is actually the biggest bitchest slut out of all of them." I was above anger at this irritating woman.

"How dare you! You, You God awful bastard! You do not call my little Levy a slut!...."
That awful woman was cut off by another person.

"I'm very sorry for my wife's outbreak. This is Levy's father Garfield McGardener. She is just very worried about Levy. This is the first time we let her go on an unsupervised trip with friends. My wife didn't mean anything she said, she just letting her imaginary run a little wild. I hope you can understand." The husband said

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2016 ⏰

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