Who are you Meeting?

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Hello everyone! I know I promised to make a schedule to update a butt load of things. School started forever ago and I have just been drained from life due to illness, homework, and school. But now I am alive! My New Year resolution is to write one chapter a month. I know that is a really long time, but school will get busy again and I have to prioritize my life. I'm sorry for such the long wait. I'm sure we are all curious as to what the heck is going to happen next so let's begin the show!

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Jellal's Pov.


I was setting up one of the rooms upstairs for the girls, the typical sheets and blankets on the bed and towels in the closet for them to use.

At this rate nothing can go wrong. So long as Erza doesn't find out that one of the branches suggested Gray take this mission she won't kill us. We are simply a branch of the main gang Fairy Tail. We're not the only ones in the area, but we are quite well known due to are high archiving record because of our leader Erza. If she were here we wouldn't have these rich brats in our lounge, because she hates kidnapping ransoms. I don't really blame her since when she was little she was kidnapped by some goons. Her parents were in debt with some loan shark gang and they kept her as a prisoner for a few years until she broke out. During her imprisonment her parents ended up killed by another gang that they were also in debt to. Depressing as hell and ironic that she became a gang leader herself. Geez it's going to be tough lying to Erza why Gray, Natsu, Gajeel, and I can't be in this city anymore after this job is done.

Thinking of all of this, I remembered I need to leave town and find a new hang out for us to lay low. Maybe I should just go to Foire city where Erza is. I can try to convince her to set up a base there. She has been there for a long time, so she might want to stay there. Erza was really excited to go on that mission because of some bakery in that area she heard about. If I can use that to an advantage we won't have to explain the whole kidnapping thing to her.

I finally finish the rooms and walked back down. The girls seemed to have continued to fight among each other after Gajeel frightful speech. Gray was lazily looking over them from the bar and Natsu was focused on the pool table.

"Well at least those two aren't fighting each other in front of them." I mumbled, those two fight worse than siblings arguing over a toy. I think Gajeel can handle the girls and those brawling idiots. Gray may be responsible most of the time, but he can run off the rails when Natsu pushes too many of his buttons.

I walk over to the bar and sat on the closest stool near Gary.
"The rooms are all set. I'm going to leave in the morning for Foire City. I've been thinking that I should try and convince Erza to make a base there without her finding out about this little situation. We get out of town before the cops come and we won't get our asses killed by Erza. It's a win-win." I explained

"Sounds good to me. Anything that doesn't involve getting us killed or in the slammer is always a good plan." Gray smirked and gave a small chuckle.

"By the way just a reminder because I know you have a short-term memory problem, don't get any more involved with them than this. You hear me." I said in an orderly tone. "I know how you like to play around especially with blunettes."

"Geez, all I did was flirt with her a little to get her into the car. You seriously think I would do something to our merchandise?" His voice seemed serious yet tinted with a sarcastic tone. I stared him down, his eyes told me he was serious, but something told me there was going to be a problem.

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