Chapter 2 The Plan, The Guys, and The Girls

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Hello Readers! I hope you're enjoying this story so far. I hope to be able to write a chapter every two to three weeks. This is just because of school and other stuff buzzing around so just hold your horses until I'm done. Now let's get this show on the road. 

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Gray's Pov. 

After having my little meeting with Mr. Johnson, he left first out of the bar leaving me with a briefcase with the mission information. I decided to move closer to the bar. This place isn't that bad. The music is good and drinks aren't as watered down like most joints. As I was enjoying the atmosphere of the lively jazz filling my ears I saw a swish of blue hair catching my eye. As I turned for a closer look her head was turned against me. She began to lean over the bar that caused her short ocean blue dress to raise farther up, practically seeing her long sexy thighs. 

"Damn" I said as I whistled at her.

As soon as she heard him she angrily straightened herself and pushed her dress down. I was able to overhear her little conversation to the barmaid. 

"Ugh Juvia wonders if all men such God damn perverts Mira" The girl supposedly known as Juvia said

"Well I wouldn't say that. You just need to find the guy you can stand being a pervert." Barmaid Mira said.

"pttp as if" Juvia replied 

She ordered her drink and went to distant table from me. She's quite the looker, nice curves, big bust, and sexy legs. I pondered about whether or not to join her, but as soon as she came out of my sight for a moment she was gone in the crowd. Oh well maybe some other time. I need to get back to the gang anyway.

I payed for my drink and left. The body guard told me to take the left path to get out of here unseen by the public. 

Natsu's Pov

 "Dammit where the fucking hell is Ice Stripper! He said he be back before midnight to tell us the deal and it's already one fifteen!" I complained

"Will you knock it off Salamander. Your just making it worse with your complaining so just put a sock in it." Gajeel said annoyed

"The ice bastard is going to pay for being late. His bunk is going to go up in smithereens." I yelled

Me, Gajeel, and Jellal were in our usual meeting spot that we came to for business only. We all had separate living areas in town just to avoid looking suspicious, just like having to do random jobs and random heists to avoid us getting caught, it's best not to be in one spot too long.

I'm the explosives expert anything that goes BOOM I can set up and set off any time, any place.

Gajeel is weapons expert, he has some odd obsession with steel guns and swords and piercings. The guy has them all over his face and arms, but hey so long as he gets the good stuff he's fine in my book.

Jellal is our strategist, he can come up with a million ways to get out of a dead end or bust a safe or even cover over up an "accident" if you know what I mean.

Gray is the dealer, the con artist, and the second in command next to our boss who isn't the type of guy you want on your tail. Though lately the boss has been taking a liking to Jellal, so there might be a change in command.  

Just then the idiot walked through the door.

"It's about God damn time Stripper! What the heck took you so long?"

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