Taking Action. Big Bang pt3

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Hey Everyone! Long time no update. lol. Well I know I have been promising for an update so here it is. Also I just like to take a small moment of your time so that I can rant. Small spoiler below for those who do not read the manga.

Hiro Mashima WHY!?!?!?! Why did you do that for chapter 416!!! WHY?!?! (T-T) (T-T) YOU BROKEN MY HEART TO A MILLION PIECES! WHY?!?! YOU ARE A FUCKING BASTARD!!! FAIRY TAIL IS FUCKING DISBANDED!!!! WHY IS THE WORLD SO CRUEL?? Some one hold me (T-T).

amen ok. I'm okay now. Just please don't kill me with feels again. T-T . Here is your update.

Juvia's Pov.

As the cheap blond started her so called "sexy poses", Juvia tried to open the hood to take a look at the engine. Juvia doesn't know a lot about cars, but Juvia does know when a engine starts smoking that isn't a good sign.

"Ack *cough cough*"

"Are you okay Juvia?!" Levy asked

"Juvia is fine, but Blondie's car isn't. What the hell did you do to bloody thing?" I yelled at Lucy

"I didn't do anything to that car. It's a brand new Ford my father's factory just made. It shouldn't have any problems." Lucy complain

"Ptt. That's a total load of bullshit. Juvia thinks even an idiot like you should know that not all factory made cars are perfect. Especially from a jackass like your dad." I snarled

"Ohh, so little miss gloomy what the hell do you want me to do about it?! I can't fix a bloody car!" Blondie retorted "I doubt you can fix the car either so keep that big, trampy mouth of yours shut until somebody comes and gives us a ride to the hotel to get a mechanic!" Blondie yelled at the top of her voice. Suddenly a pair of high beams was shining behind us. The car slowly rode up next to our car and stop. The driver rolled down the window revealing a young man with raven hair and a cold glare in his eyes.

"Well, well, well. I see a couple of pretty ladies needing some assistance. Looks like your engine blew a fuse. You wouldn't mind if I took a look would you?" He said with smirk. A smirk Juvia didn't like.

"Thank you, Mister umm..."

"Fullbuster." He said to Blondie as he stepped out of his car.

Gray's Pov.

~ A Little Earlier

Who knew this plan would go so well. I have to give props to Flame Brain when he actually does his job right. Jellal and I were in our little hiding spot waiting for the car to pass by. It's the most boring work in a kidnapping, but the most important as well. The little Ford beauty passed us fine.

Until tic tic clank clank, casplat. "Ah isn't that music to the ears Jellal."

"It seems they were successful, now we just need to wait a little longer before we capture our prey. We don't want them to be too suspicious than we already are."

"Ahh you're no fun. The best part of any heist is playing the good guy card." I smirked happily at myself

"Relax Ice man. We all know that a great con man like you can pull a fast one on any one. Though to tell you the truth that nice guy persona of yours is pretty scary because of how good it is. If I knew the things I knew now about you, I wouldn't have gotten conned by you with that fake watch four years ago." Jellal said with his left arm behind his head and his right hand's index finger tapping his chin. Jellal still had that fake watch one his right wrist.

"I'm surprised you never asked for your money back on it after you found out. I actually remember the day we meet each other again after the con. You were trying to kick my ass until Erza kicked both our asses, but you never asked for your money back or that I take back that stupid watch. " I said

Jellal let out a small chuckle, "I keep this watch to remind myself to stay away from con men like you. Well that and after Erza took me to a watch shop downtown, the shop keeper did a good job fixing it."

"Ah yes, you and the Red Devil seem really close to each other nowadays. I bet you're sad that she had to do a job so far away." I say in a teasing voice puckering my lips. "Oh Erza please kiss me Erza. Maa Mah Mah."

"OH SHUT IT GRAY BEFORE I BEAT YOUR ASS!" Jellal yelled with a full red face.

I was laughing like any idiot. "Alright chill out. The girls might hear you if you keep shouting like that.

Though it turned out the girls were yelling at each other louder than Jellal, which was a good thing. Man do girls yell. I thought while the chicks were fighting that we make an appearance before things go ugly. I have seen a few woman fights and they have never ended on a good note.

I started up the car and turned on the lights so they would see us coming. I rolled up to the car and started my show.

~ Present

I was continuing my little nice guy act with the tall blond. She definitely isn't a smartest one of the bunch.

"So what are all your names if I might ask?"

"Oh of course, my name is Lucy." The blond said

"Juvia" The bluette that was next to Lucy said to me coldly.

"I'm Levy" said the timide, tiny bluette apparently hiding in the car.

"Ah, well why don't you all pack your things in the back of me and my good friend's car and take you to my father's shop. It's not too far from here and I'm sure my father would be glad to give you beautiful young ladies a car to borrow until he fixes yours. Any car he has will be able to get you where ever you're going." I said bowing, taking the hand of the blond gently giving a small kiss. This was too easy, until...

"Juvia doesn't like this man. Juvia thinks we should wait for someone else to come." The bluenette said with a scowled face.

"Oh come on Juvia, I'm sure Mr. Fullbuster is just being nice. Who else do you think will be driving up here at this hour?" Lucy said to the bluenette

"I think a bear would be better than him." she huffed with her acting all high and mighty. What is with this damn chick and ruining my plan? I walked toward her and gently touched her arm and dragged my fingers down to hold her petite hand.

"Oh come now deary, I rest assure you that nothing bad will happen. I promised to get you there as safely as possible." I smiled, then kissed her delicate hand. For a tough cookie she definitely feels very soft and almost timide where ever I touched.

"F-f--fi-Fine." She said, though it was dark I could tell she was blushing. Ha ha I win.

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