Taking Action. Big Bang pt 2

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Hello everyone! Merry Christmas! I am so excited to see that so many people have read my story! Thank you all so much. Now I know I promised two chapters but since I was busy with my family for three days straight I haven't had a lot of time to write. I hope you love this chappie! 


~ Two Days Later - boys version 

Gajeel's Pov.

The past few days have been dragging waiting for this stupid day. Stripper, Flame Brain, Jellal, and me have been through the wringer finding the best way possible to kidnap the girls out of sight and Jellal was studying every map and route the girls might choose to get to their hotel Hilltops which turned out to be pretty far away from the city.  

~ last night 

All of us were standing around the table with a big ass map in the middle. Jellal had circled and lined nearly everything on it. 

"Alright, so here's what I've come up with after looking through all the possible routes the girls could take to get to their stop. Now, the fastest route to get there is taking the Luna St and staying on the main land route until they take this exit which will take them to this small area just before they officially leave the city and entering the country side." stated Jellal as he circled a forest area. "This would be the best place for us to take advantage of the surroundings as a cover and wait for them to come through here." He circled what appeared as a tunnel. "No matter what other direction they take in the city they have to go through this area." 

"It's perfect." Gray exclaimed

"Yea! No one would see a damn thing in thick woods like that." Flame Brain said

"I'll admit it's a good spot to nab them, but how exactly are we suppose to get them while they are still driving? I seriously doubt they'll stop in a place like that for even a minute." I said

"Ah, that's why we're going to the girls little coffee shop and having Squinty Eyes here tamper their car. From what I've gathered Mr. Johnson knows that they will be taking Miss. Heartifilia car. Here's her license plate numbers." Gray explained handing over the pictures of the number and car.

"Oi you looking to fight Ice Princess!" Natsu shouted

"Oh shut it Pinky!" Gray retorted "Anyway, You and Natsu are going to be hiding and wait for this car. As soon as she is gone, you know what to do. Do it quickly and without being noticed, got it." he said with a serious manner. 

"Tch, fine. But if he messes up don't blame it on me." I said pointing at Flame Brain


~ present time

Me and Flame Brain were parked in the alley next to a bookstore that was close enough to the shop that Stripper talked about. 

"Jeez! It's taking forever for this stupid car to come. When the hell is this stupid girl suppose to get here?" Flame idiot complained

"She'll get here when she gets here you idiot, so stop your complaining. I'm not happy about this either." I said

"Yea, whatever." 

It was currently 8: 30 and we have been waiting since 7:30, so of course the idiot couldn't wait for 9 to come around. Gray wanted us to scope the area and make sure everything was set up perfectly. I was watching the street for the car. I began to get tired of sitting in the damn seat so I got out and decided to walk around one last time before any of them came. It felt good to get away from that idiot for a while. Suddenly a yellow taxi swiped past me and then came to screeching halt in front of the coffee shop. I was so surprised that I stop and waited for whoever to come out of the cab. 

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