Extra 1: Artsy Execution

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Yuta was destined to starve every time he attempted to eat lunch. Without fail, someone or something got in the way. Might've been an unsavory texture against his palate, or Inari sneaking food from him.

However annoying, he couldn't be surprised Hokusai and his gang of goons were the latest ones to interrupt him. The uppity jerk was probably waiting for an opportunity to ruin his day after their fight.

"As the supreme leader of the art club, I challenge you to an art duel." The declaration drew a gasp from the lunch room. Hokusai's grin grew with the number of people focusing on them. "You're going to pay for daring to put your hands on me, insect."

"Art duel?" It took Chiba a good minute to get over her stuttering and squeak out. "Isn't t-that going too far?"

The trays on the table clattered as Inari pounded his fist against it. A flash flood of tears streamed down his face. "No one's survived one of those. Don't do it. I just became friends with him."

"I'm not your... whatever." Not enough energy to correct him. Yuta didn't wanna strain his already overworked mind either trying to figure out what they were going on about.

The whole day felt like his brain was in the process of shutting down. Two days with little sleep and poor eating habits would do that. Or maybe spending too much time around Ionic at night rotted his mind.

Staring down at the golden broth of his miso, he was one annoyance away from crying into it. The soup was barely warm when he got it and Inari plucked out most of the tofu when he wasn't paying attention.

His stomach ached.

"You're not even paying attention. You heathen. Miscreant. Wretch!" Hokusai's group parroted the insults after him. "I refuse to tolerate your insolence any further. I expect to see you and your hideous wings after school. You'll face your execution then."

"Sai, please. Have mercy on him!" Inari threw himself from his seat and to the ground, latching onto the other boy's leg. His tears left a wet trail across the cafeteria floor as Hokusai pulled him along.

Only once Hokusai and his group were gone did Yuta raise a spoonful of soup to his mouth. "It's cold."

Tray in hand, Takara sat down next to him at the table. "Why do you look so sad and why'd I see Hokusai dragging Inari? Feel like I missed something."

"Yuta got challenged to an art duel." Every time Chiba said the phrase it was hushed. Like the words would invoke a curse just from uttering them. "Hokusai's trying to pick on him again. It has to be a targeted attack to humiliate Yuta, embarrassing him to the point where he'll never socially recover. He'll have to move schools. Change his name. Heck, he'll have to get plastic surgery to change his face to hide from the neverending mockery. The shame will push him to a dark path. One that'll lead to him becoming a villain. Then they'll have a climatic battle of ideals, regrets, and-"

"Chiba, it's not that serious."

"O-Oh." She plucked at the sunflower that sprouted atop her head.

Takara poked at his cheek. "Oi, runt. Look at me. You know you can just ignore him, right? Don't let him get you down."

"Impossible," Yuta repeated himself after seeing the look she gave him. "Someone needs to put him in his place."

Ignoring his suspicion of Hokusai's potential involvement with Trigger, ignoring how rude the brat was, ignoring the awful things he said to Chiba, he committed an act Yuta simply couldn't forgive.

Hokusai called his wings hideous.

"Do you even know how to draw or paint?" A great question, one he couldn't give Takara an answer to.

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