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Chapter 8
The Capture

"I think we've waited long enough." Obi Wan said as he dismounted the plane from the meteor. I chuckled and started the controls.

The ship took of towards a red-ish planet. The planet was covered in rocks, and landed pads were covering the grounds.

"There's a unusual concentration of federation ships over there." I said to Obi Wan. He nodded and continued to look down.

"Perfect." He mumbled as he landed on the others side of a large rock. The hatch opened and he quickly got out. He took my hand and lead my out making sure I didn't fall.

We both slowly started walking towards the large rock.


"Finally." I muttered under my breath once we found a large set of stairs that lead up to what looked like a entrance. We rushed up the stairs quickly, he stopped in front of the entrance.

"Listen.. I'm not asking you to come with me.. I don't know whose in here." He said quickly turning towards me.

"I'll be find.. besides I have a Jedi protector." I said with a smile as I nudged him. He smiled and nodded. We both walked into the dark entrance.

Once we entered, there was a large ceiling, and circular stairs that lead to the top. We both looked at each other confused, then kept walking. I stroked my hand along the rock railing of the stairs.

I saw Obi Wan looking over what looked to be a balcony. But only shock come out of what I saw. It was a factory- of what looked to be a droid making factory.

Me and Obi Wan then started dashing over to a small set of stairs, only to get a better view of the droids.

"What about the Senator of Naboo?" I heard a fish voice say. "Is she dead yet?" They asked. Padme. They were talking about Padme.

"I'm not a signing your treaty until I have her head on my desk." Another voice said. A clenched my hands into a fist.

"I am a man of my word Viceroy." Another voice said. Viceroy Gunray. "With these new battle droids we've built for you, you'll have the finest army in the galaxy." A deep mechanic voice said.

That when we saw Count Dooku, surrounded by all the leader of different systems. They were plotting against the Jedi, discussing about signing some treaty.

This wasn't good.


"The transmitter is working, but we're not receiving a return signal." Obi Wan said as he fiddled with the satellite dish. "Corusaunt to far.. Y/n can you boost the power?" He asked. I nodded.

"Maybe we can contact Anakin and Padme on Naboo, it's much closer." I asked. He nodded. "Yes, yes that would work."

Obi Wan pressed a few buttons, then spoke too the screen. "Anakin..? Anakin, do you copy this is Obi Wan Kenobi.?" Obi Wan spoke.

"He not on Naboo." Obi Wan said scarcely. My heart dropped. I rushed over and sat on the wing beside Obi Wan.

"I'm going to try and widen the range." He spoke softly. "I do hope nothings happened to him." He muttered. I put my hand on his shoulder comfortingly. He looked up at me and smiled.

"That's Anakin's tracking signal.. but it's coming from Tatooine.. what in the blazes is he doing there!" Obi Wan said quickly.

"We haven't got much time." Obi Wan said quickly as he pulled me next to him. "Anakin do you copy? Anakin? This is Obi Wan Kenobi and Y/n Y/l/n."

That's when we heard the sound of a creature beside us.


"Traitor." Obi Wan said grimly as Count Dooku entered the room. Me and Obi Wan were tied with our backs against each others, spinning in circles.

"Oh no, my friend this is a mistake a terrible mistake." Count Dooku stated. "This had gone far— it's madness."

"I thought you were the leader here, Dooku." Obi Wan said with agitation in his voice.

"No, this had nothing to do with I swear." He began again. "I will petition immediately to set you free." Count said as he walked in circles around us.

"Well I hope it doesn't take to long, I have work to do." Obi Wan said strongly.

"May I ask why a Jedi knight and Senator Amidalas handmaiden were all the way out on Geonosis?" Count Dooku asked.

"We've been tracking a bounty hunter named Jango Fett." He stated. "Do you know him.?" I asked adding on to the conversation.

"There are no bounty hunters here I'm aware of." He said dryly. "The Geonosisians don't trust them." He added. I scoffed quietly.

"Who can blame them.. but he is here I can assure you." Obi Wan said staring deeply at Dooku.

"It's a great pity that our passes have never crossed before Obi Wan." Dooku stated with a fake frown. "Qui Gon always spoke very highly of you."

"I wish he were still alive.. I could use his help right now." Count Dooku said sadly. He blended the corner of his lips to make a frown- which fooled nobody in the room.

"Qui Gon Jin would never join you." Obi Wan said fiercely. "Don't be so sure my young Jedi." Count Dooku barked.

"You forget Qui Gon was once my apprentice like you were his." Count Dooku assured. "He knew all about the corruption of the senate— but he would never have gone along with it.. with knowing the truth and all."

"The truth.?" I asked.

"The truth." Count Dooku growled.

"What if I told you the public was now run by the dark lord of the sith." Count Dooku asked.

"No. That's not possible the Jedi would be aware of it." I stated to him.

"Hundreds of senators are now under the influence of.. a Sith Lord named Darth Sidious." Count Dooku declared.

"I don't believe you." Obi Wan said fiercely.

"You must join me." Count Dooku pleaded. "And together.. we shall destroy the sith."

"I'll never join you Dooku." Obi Wan said standing his ground. I sighed in relief, and smiled to myself.

"It may be difficult to secure the two of your release." Count Dooku stated as he walked out the door.

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