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Chapter 20
The reunion

It was easy to slip past the people in the lab. Someone must have started a explosion, because everyone was trying to clean it up.

I then entered a small hallway, with many black doors, expect one was open. I saw what looked to be four people inside.

I listened to the voice, it was scratchy and rugged. Yet, what he said made my heart drop. "Your not a Jedi anymore, Kenobi."

My curiosity got the best of me, I peeked in even further, and saw him. Obi Wan was pinned against the wall by two guards being punched by what looked to be the leader.

"Your bleeding all over my floor." The leader said angrily. I squinted my eyes, and aimed my sleeping powder I stole from the lab at the group.

"Well everybody bleeds." I said as I threw the gas at them. Obi Wan out on his mask, and kneed the leader in his stomach. I stepped out of the room, and closed the door behind Obi Wan.

He took of his mask and turned to me quickly. "Y/n..?" He said slowly.

"What are you doing here?" We said in sync. I chuckled and put my hands behind my back. "Bail Organa called me to save Leia.. and I suppose that's why your here too."

He nodded and pulled me in for a hug. My body tensed. I hadn't hugged him for eight years. I pulled away and stared into his eyes. I was hoping his mind didn't immediately think back to the kiss we shared so many years ago like mine. 

"As I much as I would love to chat with you, we have to find Leia." I reminded. He nodded and walked down the hall beside me.

He stopped in front of a large door that was keycard access. I swiped the card, the door opened and Obi Wan slowly walked inside.

He immediately grunted when a little child kicked his leg and tried to run out of the room. "Wait!" Obi Wan said as he grabbed the child and pulled her back in the room.

"Let go!" She screamed. "Who are you?!" She screamed again.

"Your father sent us. We're here to help you." I said with a warm smile. "Come, we're going to get you out of here." I said taking her hand.

"Why should I trust you?" She said as we walked out of the room. "Would you rather stay here? Now let's go." Obi Wan said harshly.

We exited the building, and placed our hoods over our heads. Leia held my hand tightly as we pondered through the streets.

Obi Wan lead us to a small booth. "We have to change." He said as he took of his top robe. I spotted Obi Wan's lightsaber on his belt. I smiled and turned to Leia who looked at him astonished.

"Is that a- your a Jedi?" She asked. I giggled and looked at Obi Wan.

"Shh. Quiet." Obi Wan said harshly. Leia took of her robe, and rolled it up. "It's just- you seem kind of old and beat up." She said cocking her head.

I smiled and let out a soft laugh. Obi Wan looked at me and rolled his eyes. "Listen there is a port across the city. We need to make the last transport." Obi Wan said quietly.

"Okay, then let's go!" She said as she turned around and walked foreword. She then crashed into a large creature and stepped back embarrassed.

"You have no idea what we're risking being here, your highness." Obi Wan said grimly. "From now one you do exactly as your told, understand?"

Obi Wan then grabbed her hand and pulled her foreword. "Here put this on." Obi Wan said to Leia. "Can I wear this one instead?" She asked.

"Half the city is looking for you, wear this one." Obi Wan said harshly again. Once Leia started outing on the cloak I placed my hand on Obi Wans shoulder making him instantly turn to me.

"You could be a little nicer Obi Wan." I said softly smiling at him. He sighed and nodded. Obi Wan walked over to the women creature working the booth, he paid and then grabbed Leias shoulder.

"If anyone asks, we're farmers from Taul, and your my daughter." Obi Wan said quietly. She nodded then turned to me.

"Who will she be?" Leia asked. I looked up at Obi Wan. He gulped. "My wife."

We started down the street again. "Where are we?" Leia asked. "Daiyu." I said quickly.

"This place is incredible.!" She said softly. I smiled and looked down at her.

"Why don't use your lightsaber?" She asked. "Maybe it's because your not a real Jedi!" She said again.

"What?" Obi Wan asked clearly annoyed.

"I heard they all died. Hey, Jedi can make things float right? Make me float!" She said spinning around. I giggled.

"I can't."


"Because I'd I use the force it will draw attention to us. Come on!" Obi Wan said grabbing her shoulder and pulling her forehead.

"You haven't even told me your names." She said crossing her arms.

"I'm Y/n.. and he's Ben." I said with a smile.

"Those aren't Jedi names." She complained. I smiled. "Well I'm not a Jedi, he is. You'll have to trust us eventually ." I said with a stern face.

"How can I trust you when I know your hiding something?" She asked again. "You think the less you say, the more you give away," She said stopping. "but really, it's the opposite."

"How old are you?" Obi Wan asked.

"Eight." She replied simply.

"You don't sound like your eight." Obi Wan complained. I chuckled and patted his back.

"Thank you!" She said happily.

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