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Chapter 16
The Pain

"It can't be.. it can't be." Obi Wan said sadly as he stares into the holograms. It was Anakin.. killing the younglings.

I put my hand over Obi Wan's, it was cold and rough. "I can't watch anymore." Obi Wan stuttered.

"Destroy the sith we must." Yoda said sternly. I felt Obi Wan jolt and his hand love out from under mine as he walked closer to Master Yoda.

"Send me to kill the emperor. I will not kill Anakin." He stuttered. "To fight this Lord Sidious , strong enough you are not. This is something I must do." Yoda replied.

"He is like my brother. I cannot do it." Obi Wan complained.

"Twisted by the dark side young Skywalker has become. The boy you trained.. gone he is, consumed by Darth Vader."

"I do not know where the emperor had sent him?" Obi Wand so grimly.

"I know someone who will." I said with a frown. They both turned to me and nodded.


There we were, in Padme's room. She looked at me with scared big eyes. "When was the last time you saw him?" Obi Wan asked.


"And do you know where he is now?"


"Padme.. We need you let help." I said placing a hand on her shoulder. "You trust me." I said with a soft smile.

"He is in danger.. we must know." Obi Wan added. "From who? The sith?" Padme asked.

"From himself." I responded. "Anakin has turned to the dark side." Obi Wan added. I sighed and looked at him sadly.

"Your wrong.. how could you even say that?!" Padme asked angrily. I looked at her sadly, her face rested.

"I saw a video hologram of him killing younglings. It appears that the chancellor is behind everything, including the war." Obi Wan said sadly.

"Palpatine is the south Lord the Jedi have been looking for." I said releasing my hand from her arms. She sighed and sat down on the couch.

"I don't believe you."

"I must find him."

"Your going to kill him, aren't you?"

"He has become a very great threat." I said gripping her hand tightly.

Obi Wan sighed and got up. He headed towards the window and looked out upon the city. "Anakin is the father.. isn't he?" Obi Wan asked.

I looked at Padme softly. She sighed and looked down. I got up and followed Obi Wan to his speeder.

"I'm going to stay here with her.. she needs to be with someone right now." I said sadly. He nodded then looked at my face.

"You knew.. didn't you." He said with a tint of anger in his voice. I sighed and looked up at his face.

"I'm sorry Obi Wan. It was there secret to share.. not mine. Please be safe." I said quietly. I quickly reached over to him and hugged him tightly.

He softly smiled and climbed into his speeder. "I'm glad you came with me Y/n.. very glad." He said while he started the speeder.

I smiled to myself, then turned back to Padme.


"Me and Padme boarded the ship. I had convinced her to let me come with her, speaking of how Anakin was my closest friend.

We both entered the steel ship, and quickly sat down in the two command chairs. C-3PO mumbled constant disregards, which made you occasionally smile.

Yet the burning feeling in your eyes was something I couldn't shake. I was tired. Very very tired. I had gotten no sleep in the last two days.

"Y/n, C-3PO knows how to fly a ship, you need rest." She said with no emotions. I sighed and nodded reluctantly getting up.

I walked towards a small closet, pressing the button on the top of the door. I jumped back with fear. Obi Wan was here. He quickly put his hand over my mouth blocking out my scream.

The sliding door closed, and I turned towards
him quickly. "Obi Wan. What are you doing here?!?" I asked.

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